LEGO Batman 3 Explores the Lantern Worlds

By Boxmash

In DC comics, the Lanterns are an intergalactic police force that protect hundreds of worlds. Many of those words are going to be places for you to explore in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. TT Games are doing their best to make every wold unique and interesting to travel through. Andy from Family Gamer TV has been taking a look at LEGO Batman 3, and has discovered that each new Lantern world feels very different from the last.

Each world is themed around a different emotion, which is based on the color of the Lantern corp. that protects it. The Red Lanterns represent rage, and so their world is all dusty and gloomy, with bones scattered everywhere. The world of Odym is protected by the Blue Lanterns, who represent hope, and so their world is much more lush and flowery, and you can see how great it looks in the video above. Every world will feel very different, keeping the game vibrant and fun.

Not only are there lots of new worlds in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, but there are brand new characters. A lot of them are requests from fans just like you. Beastboy is a character who many fans asked TT Games to include, and he’s looking like one of the best: he can transform into animals to suit the situation, such as a shark in water or a bird in the sky.

The LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham release date is late autumn 2014. If you loved this video, follow us on Twitter for loads more amazing stories and gameplay footage, and subscribe to Family Gamer TV on YouTube. And don’t forget to check out the LEGO channel to keep up-to-date with everything LEGO Batman 3.