Legendary ‘dune’ Illustrations by John Schoenherr

Posted on the 21 November 2013 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Fifty years ago today, John Schoenherr was commissioned by Frank Herbert to make a cover and 18 spot illustrations for Parts 1, 2, and 3 of “Dune World” which was to be serialized in Analog Science Fact and Science Fiction starting with the December 1963 issue.

According to Frank Herbert, John Schoenherr has been “the only man who has ever visited Dune” and tackle the desert planet Arrakis. His Dune illustrations in particular have become archetypes by which Frank Herbert’s universe is visualized.

Schoenherr was born in New York City in 1935, studied at the Art Students’ League, and graduated from the Pratt Institute in the late 1950s. After initial sales to magazines such as InfinityAmazing, and other pulps of the day, he found a home in the pages of Astounding (later renamed Analog), arguably the most important magazine in the history of science fiction, under the reign of science fiction’s ur-editor, John W. Campbell.