Legally Blind Mother Sees Her Newborn Son For The First Time Through eSight Glasses

By Inspirion @GoodMood20

When living in this world of ours, which is a place driven by profits and money, we rarely have a chance to see a product or a service that is honestly trying to help people. However, every now and then a person or an innovation pops out and restores our faith in humanity.

eSight glasses are electronic eyewear that allows the legally blind to see life like they've never seen it before. This invention works by combining a camera, LED displays and personal vision controls to bring what can barely be seen into amazing focus. Because eSight glasses require some vision, however slight, the device does not work for those who are completely blind, but it is a near miracle for those with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, Stargardt's disease, glaucoma and other ailments that affect one's vision.

Few inspiring videos of people testing the eSight are floating around Internet, but the one that caught our attention is featuring a young mother, Kathy Beitz, 29, from Guelph, Ontario. This young lady got a chance to use eSight which allowed her to see her baby just hours after he was born. Take a look.


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