Legal Drugs That Can Cuase DUI Charges in California

Posted on the 09 April 2013 by Azharnadeem

Like many other US states California has stringent driving under influence (DUI) laws. DUI laws prohibit driving a motor vehicle with certain levels of Blood Alcohol content. These BAC levels differ for different categories. Persons under 21 are not allowed to drive with any BAC content levels. Divers of commercial vehicles are considered legally impaired wit BAC level of 0.04% or higher while ordinary vehicles drives are deemed legally impaired with BAC level 0.08% or higher.

Legal drugs that can cuase DUIArrest and convictions under California DUI laws carries number of penalties including fine, license suspension, and imprisonment. However, penalties usually depend on weather offense is treated under misdemeanor or a Felony. Majority of drunk drivers are usually treated under misdemeanor but if he or she causes an accident with some person or property then the offense is booked under felony.

A misdemeanor vs felony dui differ in terms of consequences and severity. In both cases a drunk driver may have to serve a term in prison but a felony usually requires a jail term of one year or more.

The accident clause becomes irrelevant in a california felony dui if the defendant is booked under a DUI charge four times within a decade!

It is almost a universally accepted truth that driving under influence of Alcohol, Marijuana, methamphetamine or other illegal substances can lead to charges. However, it is very little known fact that use of very ordinary over-the-counter and recommended medication could also lead to charges under DUI. Drivers need to understand that any drugs (legal or illegal) that cause effects like dizziness, incoherence, drowsiness, and loss of strength can damage your driving abilities to a point where you could probably be charged under DUI, which is partly why I am writing this, because so many people do this without realizing it.

Have a look at the products here that can lead to a California DUI felony
• Cold/allergy medications
• Pain Killers
• Tranquilizers/Sedatives/Anti-depressants
• Other Drugs
Drugs administered for the above-listed purposes are completely legal in nature, and ore often prescribed by physicians. In most cases these drugs have very little in the way of adverse effects on a driver. However, when combined with even very small amounts of alcohol, the affects can be very dramatic!

It is advised that drivers should avoid getting in the drivers seat if they have consumed any of these drugs. If it is quite inevitable for them to stay away from driving a vehicle, then alcohol and drugs should be avoided at ALL costs. Is it really worth the risk? See one of so many newspaper articles below.