Left v Right v Brexit and Related.

Posted on the 16 October 2016 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth
The core theme of Mark's blog - Land Value Tax and its companion programme, Citizens income - could be considered 'left wing'.  I am not so sure. As the full fat LVT/CI programme includes the abolition of pretty well all taxes on labor and capital it could be equally considered right wing.
Personally I think that the right v left meme is dead.  But as there is a lot of political capital to be lost if this is admitted and adopted neither those on the right or the left are interested in changing the status quo.  They both need to keep the gravy train on the rails.
The political landscape is no longer left v right, it is, or perhaps becoming or even moving back to, a vertical landscape. At the top is liberty and personal responsibility and at the bottom is slavery and irresponsibility.  Think of it as a circle with vertical and horizontal radii.  Lefties move round the left arc to the bottom and righties move round the right arc also to the bottom.
This leaves 'people like us' from say me, (according to DBCR on the fascist right,) to DBCR, (who probably thinks that I think he is on the fascist left) completely without a convenient box in which the current political actors can pigeon hole us.  I quite like this.
The tragedy is that under the current nexus of the state/crony banking/bad money/high taxes/high rents/high direct and deadweight costs of regulationism/nationalised education (I think it is indoctrination)/nationalised health care etc. etc. it is very difficult for the great mass of people (who quite frankly and quite rightly have lots of better things to do than with their time than come to places like this and debate and learn - Mrs L for example - and are generally often quite frightened of one thing or another) it is very difficult indeed to 'sell' the LVT/CI meme to anyone - notionally left or right. Mostly people are entrenched. 
Yet the Momentum crowd and the anti-one-percenters would be surprised how much people they would consider antipathetic to their solutions actually agree with their analysis.  We both 'know' something's wrong. It's our solutions that differ.
So, deep down people do know that something is wrong. The emperor has no clothes.  They know that Left v Right is passe without knowing why. And this is what I think occurred on the 23rd June 2016.  A largely inchoate scream for some major adjustment, more than would just be achieved by being delivered from the obviously anti-democratic EU. The vote was a success for The wisdom of Crowds.  Or, if you prefer, the 'market'.
In any event, IMHO, Left v Right is dead. (Now all that has to be done is to explain to T May PM that Libertarianism/classical liberal is not 'right wing'.  She is clearly another victim of the nexus.)
(This is a think piece. Please discuss).