FirstLadyB: Entertainment News With A Purpose
Lecrae, along with hip-hop artist, Derek Minor took a trip to Israel to add “fuel to their faith,” and restore their relationship.
During the trip Lecrae was baptized in the Jordan River .
“Today we got baptized in the Jordan River. The one John baptized Jesus in. I was joking before I got dipped and I said if a bird lands out here like the dove on Jesus, bruh….I’m gonna have a heart attack. Just take me to heaven cause God is speakin too loud! Well look at the pics. I love the Jordan because of all the symbolism it holds. It was the border of the promised land. It was the picture of safety and security. Getting baptized in it was an incredible experience for me,” he wrote on Instagram.
View this post on InstagramToday we got baptized in the Jordan River. The one John baptized Jesus in.
I was joking before I got dipped and I said if a bird lands out here like the dove on Jesus, bruh….I’m gonna have a heart attack. Just take me to heaven cause God is speakin too loud! Well look at the pics. . I love the Jordan because of all the symbolism it holds. It was the border of the promised land. It was the picture of safety and security. Getting baptized in it was an incredible experience for me. Here’s an interesting fact. Baptism didn’t start with John the Baptist. The Jewish ritual immersion in water is called a mikvah, which is a Hebrew word meaning gathering of waters. Immersion in a mikvah also represents death and resurrection. When you come back out of the water, you come back to life as a new creation. When I was immersed into Christ (not just water) I also become a new creation: “Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” The more you learn the Jewish roots the more truth comes alive. A post shared by lecrae (@lecrae) on Sep 19, 2019 at 11:49am PDT
The Christian rapper also posted a pic of him and Derek Minor, and shared how the trip was a trip of restoration for him and Minor’s relationship.
“Backstory…I’ve know @thederekminor for years. He’s like a brother to me.. except I wasn’t really great at being brother to him. I let him down more than a few times.”
He continued,
I wasn’t operating from a healthy place and damaged our relationship.
Time goes by where we didn’t talk much but he goes to Israel/Palestine and comes back and reaches out to me. I’m a little shocked. He’s like listen “after what I’ve seen over there bro…God is too big to hold on to our past issues.” He offers to take me with him next time he no cost. Fast forward now I’m over here in Isreal and Palestine blown away. As God restores my relationship with my brother, I’m praying for restoration in the Middle East and everywhere and for YOU whoever you are reading this. God is a restorer. God is YOUR restorer.”
View this post on InstagramCouple of Good Samaritans on the road to Jericho. @israelcollective
A post shared by lecrae (@lecrae) on Sep 19, 2019 at 6:47am PDT
The guys along with a couple of friends, also journeyed through Jericho, the Mount of Olives, and the Mount of Beatitudes.