Leave Your Message: Maison Margiela White Replica Pen Sneakers

By Dynelle Skinner @shoeography

Leave Your Message:  Maison Margiela White Replica Pen Sneakers

Leave Your Message:  Maison Margiela White Replica Pen Sneakers

Leave Your Message:  Maison Margiela White Replica Pen Sneakers

Maison Margiela White Replica Pen Sneakers

Not for everyone, but what's becoming a trend in menswear as evident from designers like Virgil Abloh, Saint Laurent and now Margiela is this personalized freehand messaging on sneakers. What's taking over menswear is the slow re-examining of staple pieces that carry over from season to season to season replaced by momentary pieces that speak to freedom of style anexpression. Although its a trend, there's something to be said of the idea of taking the highbrow and making it appear very personal by walking the lines between luxe and carefree. Here is an example with this Margiela White Replica Pen Sneaker that features the classic silhoutte of the brand with printed 'Leave A Message' handwritten inscriptions on the side heels in what is meant to look like a ball point pen. A message of sorts to make your clothes your own no matter how much you pay for them. Available now at Ssense.com.

Category: Low-Tops, Maison Margiela, Men's Shoes, Men's Sneakers, Mens, Mens Fall/Winter 2017, Mens Footwear, Mens Style, Ssense.com

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