Learning Styles: Gardener

By Naturegirl321 @SharonTEFLTips
I wrote about different learning styles previously and this post will talk about one of the most well-known research about learning styles was done by Dr. Howard Gardener about Multiple Intelligences.
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I got this information from a conference I went to a couple of years ago in Piura, Peru. Unfortunately the presenter didn't put their name on the worksheet, so I don't know exactly who to give credit to.
Linguistically: They think in words.
  • They enjoy reading, writing, telling stories, and playing word games.
  • They need books, CDs, writing material, paper, diaries, dialogues, discussion, debate, and stories.

Logically-Mathematically: They use reasoning.
  • They enjoy experimenting, questioning, logical puzzles, and calculating.
  • They need things to explore and think about.
  • They like science materials, manipulatives, trips to planetariums or science museums.
Spatially: They think in images and pictures.
  • They enjoy designing, drawing, and visualising.
  • They need art, legos, videos, movies, slides, imagination games, puzzles, illustrated books.
  • They like trips to art galleries and museums.
Bodily-Kinesthetically: They learn by moving.
  • They enjoy dancing, running, building, touching, and gesturing.
  • They need role plays, drama, things to build, sports, tactile experiences, and hands-on learning.
Musically: They think in rhythms and melodies.
  • They need music and instruments.
  • They enjoy singing, whistling, humming, tapping their hands and feet, and listening.
Interpersonally: They learn by talking with other people.
  • They enjoy leading, organising, relating, manipulating, and talking.
  • They need friends, group games, community events, clubs, and mentors.
Intrapersonally: They learn by thinking alone.
  • They enjoy setting goals, meditating, dreaming, being quiet, and planning.
  • They need time alone, self paced projects, and choices.

Updated 18 May 2013