Learn To Forgive Yourself
God didn’t make a mistake when He made you. You need to see yourself as God sees you.
(Joel Osteen)
We all make mistakes; its part of human nature, there is no such thing as perfect and even the best of people screw up at some point. Some of us make small mistakes that are easily rectified while others, like me, make huge whoppers of ones that leave a trail of destruction behind us.
Learn To Forgive Yourself
I have made many mistakes in my life, some I can laugh about and others still make me cry to this day, but I have had to teach myself that until I can forgive myself I have no chance to move forward and put these mistakes behind me and learn from them.
That’s the great thing about mistakes, they teach us something.
I spent 11 years in a marriage that towards the end was destructive, unsafe and damaging to my three eldest children. I believed that staying with their father was better for them, I made a huge mistake. The children were happier and safer once we separated. That mistake almost cost me everything.
I have struggled to accept that mistake more than most. It was my fault. I stayed and allowed my children to be raised in an unhappy home.
I have beaten myself up; I have become mentally ill and punished myself and it is the reason I starve my body of food, because of the mistakes I have made I have allowed that guilt to consume me until it eventually swallowed me whole.
I have fallen into debt, hurt people and been anything but nice to some in the past. My behavior could well be blamed on the fact I am bipolar, but I make no excuses.
It has taken me months of talking therapy and hours of thinking and talking to myself, in order for me to believe that the mistakes I have made, were made for a reason. That is how I was feeling at that time. They can never be changed yet I have to learn to accept them and move on, once you learn to accept yourself you have a priceless tool to hand.
I have finally started to slowly forgive myself and I promise you too, that once you begin to do this you will feel a huge weight lifted from your heavy shoulders.
It is time to learn to forgive yourself and start looking to the future and leaving the past where it belongs.
What mistakes have you made that you still carry the guilt for?