Learn to Accept Yourself in a Little Black Dress

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn
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We are all ever busy chasing an image of what we will love to be or what we want to achieve.
We have settled for the standards of the society. What the norms are, what we should achieve and by what age. This post is turning into a lot of "what", please bear with me.
Consumed in all these chaos and strife, the peace to be with our own inner self is no more. We validate and criticize ourselves, as if the judgmental approach of the society towards us is not enough and we need to lend them a hand in diminishing our self worth and esteem.
The power in accepting who we are lies in us exploring the journey of self, learning from past scars, failures, victories and disappointment.
We will never fully accept ourselves until we acquire a spherical and explicit knowledge of where we have been, what we have been through and what we have learnt from those experiences.
It is my delight to invite you into a journey of self discovery in this last quarter of the year and wish you all a happy new month.
Wearing a sleek classy little black dress with my sneakers is just one hell of a added bonus!
Wearing: Dress: H&MSneakers: Migato,Bag: Escada
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Thank you all for reading and once again, Happy New Month!