Le Brun Organic Cidre

By I Think About Beer @ithinkaboutbeer

Le Brun Organic CidreTraditional French cidre is a product of the farm and orchard. Some cidres are made from orchards owned by the by the family or cidrerie; these are known as “Fermier” or farm cidres. Traditional cidres made from apples purchased other orchards are referred to as “Artisanal.” With 120ha, Cidre Le Brun Bigoud firmly fits in the former category. Founded in 1955 by Jean Le Brun in Plovan, Bretagne; Le Brun spent the first 41 years of its existence as a one person operation even after Dominique Le Brun took over in 1991 at the age 22. He added the company’s second employee when he hired his older brother Jean Alain. Today, the family firm employs 16 people.

Two of the Le Brun cidres are available in the US, an Organic Cidre and a Brut. This is the Organic version which is made from pure juice pressed from USDA certified organic apples.

Appearance: Gold with a light haze.

Aroma: Earthy, woodsy, light funk, apricots, gooseberries, tart and tannic apples, light vinegar hints.

Taste: Medium tannins, medium+ acidity, medium+ astringency.

Overall Impression: Le Brun Organic Cidre is a mildly funky Breton-style cidre with good rustic fruitiness to balance the flavors. It’s got a touch more residual sugar and would fit in a demi-sec category but is well-balanced with acidity and tannins. Le Brun is a very nice introduction to interesting and complex cidres of Bretagne.

CO2 Levels: Medium+ sparkle.
Geography: Bretagne
Apples: Kermerrien, Marie Ménard, Douce Moên, Peau de Chien, Douce Coêtligné.

Availability: Nationally where Winesellers, LTD products are sold.

4.5% ABV

Disclosure: This cider was submitted to me for review by their importer:  Winesellers, LTD.