(Lazy) Liebster Award

By Specialneedmom2 @specialneedmom2

(Lazy) Liebster Award

It’s a major award! I love this movie so I ripped the picture ripped off of Lazy Hippie Mama’s blog (so who’s lazy now?

I’m trying to catch up on my recent award nominations.  I really do love you guys, it’s just I’ve been a little behind lately, and have a heap of catching up to do.  And my procrastination habit does not help either.

So in the spirit of all things chain letter, I gratefully accept the Liebster Award from the very talent and brilliant Lazy Hippie Mama, homeschooling theologist and word wizard, she makes you think big thoughts and laugh out loud.  Sometimes at the same time.  Kinda like shooting milk out of your nose, but way better.

Check out her Theological Thursdays, or just check out her blog any day.  It’s good for you.

“The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The word “Liebster” comes from German and can mean the sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, most beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.”

I’m not going to count followers (I’ve forgotten how to do that anyway) but gratefully accept the award and pass it on.  And say thank you.

So, here are the Rules (I copied this right from Lazy Hippie Mama, who is the authority on all things bloggy and Lazy, so her writing is in BOLD and I am in italics does that make me even lazier?  Do we need to come up with a Lazy Blogger Award??

Thank the person who nominated you.  Thank you Lazy Hippie Mama.  You rock!

When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you. I skipped this last part because I’m a LAZY hippie.  And I am even lazier.  Does that make me a bad person?

Pass the award onto 11 other blogs (while making sure you notify the blogger that you nominated them!) You write up 11 NEW questions directed towards YOUR nominees. (See above: “LAZY) Yep.  What she said.

You are not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated your own blog! Oh, too bad about this one.

You paste the award picture into your blog. (You can Google the image, there are plenty of them!)  Or, just do what I did and rip it off of Lazy Hippie Mama’s blog.

So… random facts about me:

Yes, these are my own facts people, shiesh, I’m not that lazy.  Although it’s hard to top Lazy Hippie Mama’s PB & pickle creation.

  1. I have two packages of venison in my freezer.  How’s that for random?  And it is pretty random, for an anti-gun, vegetarian non-hunter.
  2. I like chocolate (but you knew that already).  I prefer semi-sweet, which is hard to find.   But I am not a chocolate snob.  Storebrand,  chocolate bars, Godiva, whatever.  As long as it’s chocolate, I’m happy.  My five year old and I can finish a box of Pot of Gold in minutes.
  3. I have been watching Babies on Netflix for a couple months now.  Over and over again.  I’ve been known to turn it on, work on my laptop and hit replay three times.  It’s the cute and soothing background to my life.  And my kids like it too.  Sibling rivalry truly is a global phenomenon, and my kids like watching babies in Africa fighting.  Then they fight themselves.  Sigh.
  4. I can easily spend my entire day wearing flannel pyjamas, even while walking the dogs in Canadian winters.  I just wear a parka and boots with my pjs.  Hubby told me I look like an Arctic clown.  I don’t care.  I’m warm and comfy.
  5. I take procrastination seriously.  I even have Pinterest quotes about procrastination.  And I’m lazy too.  I don’t have any lazy quotes yet.  I just need to get around to it.
  6. Umm… can I just make up stuff for the rest of the 11 random facts?

Ok, if I can’t, did you know that I’m even lazier than Lazy Hippie Mama?  So now, onto the moment you’ve all been waiting for – drumroll please – my Leibster nominations are:

On the homefront writes about the stuff of life – funny, poignant, serious and quirky.  Always thoughtful, even when discussing perch dinners.

I’m not stalking you writes about her mildly entertaining random thoughts. Which are actually pretty funny.

The Sensory Spectrum This is the go-to place for Sensory Processing Disorder.

More Than Words Teacher, writer, SAHM writes about life with her son Carter who uses augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).

violetsdiaryis a mum, partner, and campaigner for disability rights and equality. She writes about family, visual impairment and aspergers in this very thoughtful blog.

Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life You know that feeling you get when you visit a cozy small town where folks are nice? This blog gives you that feeling – it’s my chicken soup. Even if never make a craft in my life, I really like visiting here. Check it out.

Let Me Start By Saying Her tagline says: Being a SAHM, wife & writer would be easier if Life would stop chucking things at my head. Like lemons. And poop. I really can’t add to that. Just read the blog!

Postcards from the edge of the Spectrum I love this blog for the articulate insight into someone else’s mind.

Coyotetooth13 Writer, dreamer, Tweeter, poet and brilliant mind.

Leftofurban – This is my Hubby’s blog. Photos from an ADHD mind. Please don’t encourage him.

Hostess Note and Standard Canadian Apology:

You will see that the blogs I follow span geographic, political, social, intellectual and religious divides. What I love about blogging is really seeing how you live your life, and actually how it’s alot like mine. I’ve connected to you in some way. It’s a small world out there, please be kind to each other.

And yes, I know I only have ten blogs listed.  Just check them out anyway.  I’m waiting for Sara to start hers

I know I’ve left out some most of the blogs I follow. I would be here all day if I included everything, and you would too.  So if you want to see who else I follow in this halfpastnormal life, meet me on Twitter.

And, I promised Hubby I’d mention his blog. Just don’t go visit it or comment on it, because then I have to hear all about it. Even though his ‘time travel’ series is pretty good.