Lazing on a Thursday Afternoon

By Ofanselm @ofanselm

It's funny how when I've finally freed my schedule up a little bit, I get antsy to celebrate by doing more stuff! Not anything huge, mind you. I'm the kind of person who dreads making trips to the grocery store. But waking up this morning knowing that I've gotten a few big projects completed that I don't have to worry about anymore, all of a sudden I got an itch to pack the kids in the car and go out. I got a nice sugary frappuccino, some flowers (anyone know what these are? I always throw away the plastic cover before I've written down the name), and my favorite fruit: apricots. They're the perfect not-too-sweet, not-too-messy snack for me right now.

And now I will do my nails. Aaaah, free time!