Lawyer Sues Apple For Porn Addiction… What’s Next? Someone Suing Adult Friendfinder for Legal Music Downloading Addiction?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Above The Law has written a very entertaining post about a lawyer who has reportedly filed a lawsuit against Apple for failing to protect him from visiting porn sites on Apple’s browser Safari.

Included in the claim is the following pleading (the censoring is ours!):

“In using safari, the Plaintiff accidentally misspelled “” which lead him to “f—” and a host of web sites that caused him to see pornographic images that appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and lead to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences.”

3 More Stupid Things A Lawyer Could Sue The Internet For

1. Not requiring a mandatory typing test before being able to visit any site. Because obviously if you think “A” and “E” are anywhere near “U” and “K” on a keyboard (they’re on the opposite sides of the keyboard, folks!), you might wind up suffering damage by using the internet! Specifically damage to your reputation by making ridiculous claims in a lawsuit!

2. Sue the internet for inventing nudity. Your father has had that “cyber-birds and bees” talk with you where he pointed out we are all in the Matrix, right?

3. Sue the internet for allowing companies like Apple to sell products on the internet that allow you to access the internet. Will the vicious cycle ever end? (We’re referring to the cycle of ridiculous lawsuits in America followed by ridiculous disclaimers in television commercials trying to prevent ridiculous lawsuits in America. What did you think we meant?)