Lawful Gun Owner in New Hampshire Enters the Gray Area

Posted on the 30 April 2011 by Mikeb302000
Reference is made to the Famous Venn Diagram.
I'm sure a little charge of reckless conduct won't result in any permanent restrictions or anything. reports.
A local man who allegedly fired a gun that sent a bullet into a neighboring apartment was charged Saturday by Laconia police with reckless conduct.
Police said E. Bruce Boone, 62, of 515 Endicott North St., fired the gun about 3:40 p.m. Saturday. The bullet went through his apartment's wall, through a hallway and into the bedroom of a neighboring apartment, police said.
"That bedroom was occupied by two people at the time of the incident," police said in a release. Nobody was injured.
What's your opinion? Why should someone who negligently discharges his gun and accidently shoots someone be punished so much more than someone lucky enough to only shoot the wall? Isn't the offense the same? Isn't the negligent action exactly the same in both cases.
The pro-gun voices don't like people even talking about holding them responsible for such behavior. They want lots of leeway. Accidents can happen to anyone, they cry.
I say one strike you're out, period. Any less-than-responsible gun activity should be taken very seriously, regardless of the damage inflicted. In this way, many future tragedies would be averted.
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