For us, making cold process soap is almost a daily occurrence. With all of the fragrance oils that are tested, new samples that are tested, and fun recipes that are made, the creative team at Natures Garden is always busy doing something.
A few days ago, we wanted to make a Lavender Soap Recipe (with cold process). Through our brainstorming, we created a great recipe, with a cool design concept that even included sprinkling a small amount of lavender flowers to the top of the soap.
Seeing that Lavender Martini Fragrance Oil was not yet used for a recipe, we thought it would be the perfect fit. The soaping results showed that it was a “Perfect Pour. No ricing, no acceleration. Very great unique scent. No discoloration. Scent is clean.” So, soaping with this oil was not going to pose any issues.
To use one word to describe working with this fragrance oil, it would be flawless. The color design for our recipe contained 4 colors including: a light purple, medium purple, dark purple, and finally white. Not only did the fragrance allow for ample time to get these colors achieved, but we were also able to accomplish a gorgeous in the pot swirl too.
So now, since we are on the topic of how wonderful this fragrance oil was to work with, it should also be mentioned how fabulously strong and amazing this scent smells. Once the Lavender Martini scent was in the soap batter, it seemed to fill the work area instantaneously. The lavender martini aroma was strong! We were all super excited as to how this soap loaf recipe was going to turn out. Even just walking past the loaf as it set up was a foreshadow of just how aromatic the scent was.
The next day, we unmolded and braced ourselves for the soap slicing. As we sliced the soap loaf, it seemed that with each slice the smell of lavender martini was more intense in the air. This recipe was just an overall win in every category!
So, if you are looking for a great cold process soap scent, and your interest is peaked in giving this fragrance oil a try in cold process soap, we highly suggest you do. Like we mentioned earlier, we soap a lot of fragrances, but this one was definitely eye opening.
Happy Lavender Soaping!