In an era where people are bound to their hectic work schedules and computer screens, physical and mental strain is absolutely inevitable. Those weekends vanish in a swish by simply sleeping them away. Spending time with family or friends seems almost impossible as the tiring workdays reflect on your declining health. Maybe it is high time we do something about it. Small changes to our lifestyle could actually make a difference, and here we discuss one simple addition to help you unwind that rest-seeking soul. Here are some lavender oil benefits that you have to know!!!
Why Lavender oil?

Lavender oil is a flower extract that is well known for its smell-related benefits. This is the reason why it is extensively used in aromatherapy. Lavender oil relieves pain and helps relax by eliminating muscular stress. Furthermore, it soothes your mind, body, and soul.
Goodness of Lavender Oil
Here are some of the benefits of lavender oil that you have to know!!
1. Calming Essential

A steamy bath with a few drops of this organic oil takes that physical strain away from your body, ultimately de-stressing the nervous tension. Lavender oil is also a great sleep inducer for people who suffer from insomnia and other night-time disorders.
Therefore, quit taking pills; simply use this oil to get rid of any sleep disorder you might have!
2. Heals Acne and Rashes

Thanks to its antibacterial properties and naturally cleansing attributes, lavender oil can be often used along with face creams, lotions, and night gels. Lavender oil is also known to unclog your skin pores. It has the ability to reduce inflammation too.
3. Deals with Anxiety Disorders
Today's pacey lifestyle leads to a whole lot of people with headaches, sleeplessness, and anxiety disorders . Sipping a hot cup of tea with lavender extracts will help relieve stress so that you can actively continue with your daily routines.
4. Respiratory Benefits
Did you know that the aromatic goodness of lavender oil not only saves you from that never-ending migraine but also combats sinus infections, coughs, and colds? A few drops could either be rubbed externally on the chest or steam inhalation will clear the blocked nostrils. This oil is also used to treat severe symptoms of bronchial asthma.
5. Disinfectant
The natural composition and antimicrobial characteristics of lavender oil make it an awesome disinfectant. This oil also serves as an anti-fungal medicine for itchy scalps and dandruff. Skip those chemically treated shampoos and move to a more natural solution to the problem.
6. Cure for Eczema and Dry Skin
Lavender oil is beneficial for soothing eczema and dry skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps treat and reduce the redness, irritation, and itchy feel. Also, it helps in treating psoriasis. In addition, its antimicrobial properties protect the broken skin from infections and flare-ups. To use this essential oil for eczema, mix 2 drops of lavender oil with an equal amount of tea tree oil or coconut oil and use it daily.
7. Lavender Oil for Blotchy Skin
The oil can be used to reduce inflammation, discoloration, and even dark spots on your face and body. Also, it helps lessen the blotchiness and redness. If you are suffering from hyperpigmentation on your skin, then lavender oil is the best choice that you can use to treat it.
8. Lavender Oil for Wrinkles
Free radicals are responsible for fine lines and wrinkles that are present on your face. Luckily, lavender oil is full of antioxidants, which help protect your skin from free radicals. Therefore, by using lavender oil, you can protect your skin from unwanted wrinkles. To use lavender oil for face wrinkles, take a few drops of the oil and mix it with aloe vera gel or coconut oil and apply this as a moisturizer once or twice a day.
9. Wound-Healing Properties
If you are suffering from a burn, cut, or wound, lavender oil may help you get rid of it, as it speeds up the wound healing process. In a study in 2016 , researchers found that lavender oil promotes the healing of skin tissues rapidly. To use lavender oil for healing, take a cotton ball, dip it into the oil, and apply it to your wounds. If your wound has already healed, it helps reduce the remaining scars as well.
10. Acts as an Insect-Repellent
Lavender oil also acts as a great remedy for insect bites, as it helps get relief from itchiness and redness after a bite occurs. In fact, many insect repellents contain lavender oil as their ingredient. You can use the oil as a spray by mixing 7 to 8 ounces of the oil in a spray bottle and shaking it. It is a natural remedy so that you can spray this all over your body (except the sensitive parts) and your clothes before you go out.
11. Sleep Aid
Some studies say that inhaling essential oils like lavender oil may be an effective alternative to other medications for mild to moderate sleep disturbances.
12. Helps Restore Hair Loss
The oil is an effective choice that helps you restore all your lost hair. A study in 2020 found that essential oil in commercial containers mixed with lavender oil helped people with hair growth. Many people with alopecia are also advised to use this oil.
13. Fights Infections
Since lavender oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it can help fight against bacterial infections. A study review in 2022 says that the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants present in lavender oil may also be used in dentistry to help prevent infections.
14. Eases Premenstrual Symptoms
Another study found that lavender oil can be used in aromatherapy to ease the symptoms of anxiety, depression, nervousness, pain, and bloating. This essential oil helps reduce both the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS.
How to Use Lavender Oil For Skin?
How to use lavender oil on your face depends on what you are treating. You can apply this oil by mixing it with aloe vera gel. You can use it as a moisturizer or lotion all over your face and body. Or else, if you are putting it on the damaged part of your skin, it is better to use a cotton ball. For skin-related issues like acne, you can apply the oil directly with your hands on your face.
Although lavender oil has plenty of benefits, some people must avoid using it. Remember to stop using the oil if you experience any negative side effects on your skin. Also, if you are , kindly avoid these kinds of essential oils during the first trimester, as they may expose the fetus to toxic substances.
I hope this blog helps you know more about lavender oil and its benefits. Lavender extract is so beneficial that its antioxidant properties are being experimented with to treat cancerous growths. Try using lavender oil regularly for quick and visible results. But before you start using it, consult your doctor or dermatologist first.
Julia brings her years of healthcare experience to help consistently create engaging content. She received her master's degree in health administration. She ensures that Complete Health News content is up to date, relevant, and evidence-based. She uses her experience to write empowering content on lifestyle, fitness, Nutrition, Skincare, and more.