Latitude 34 Year End Wrap Up 2013

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel

Latitude 34 Year End Wrap Up 2013

One year can have a major impact on your life. In just 365 days you can alter your entire lifestyle for better or for worse. Since 2014 is just around the corner we thought we would recap Latitude 34's highlights from 2013.

This year has certainly changed our lives, and for the better! In January, Jeff and I finally had the courage to tell our parents, families and friends that we were moving abroad to Thailand. Since we made our decision our lives have been filled with wild adventure, unique experiences, new friends and fond memories.

We loved celebrating Thai New Year in April, visiting the Phi Phi islands, playing with Tigers, witnessing the Phuket Vegetarian Festival and I even tried eating insects! So enjoy our Latitude 34 year end wrap up of 2013 and see a bit of what we got ourselves into this year.

Easily our most exciting year yet, we are thrilled to be starting off 2014 with a bang as we head to Ireland in just a couple weeks for what we hope shapes up to be an even more exciting year than 2013 - with just as many laughs, friends and memories.

Cheers and hope to see you all along the road in the upcoming year!

xoxo Marina

Marina Dominguez is the co-founder of Latitude 34 Travel Blog as well as a photographer and documentary film maker.

As a maturing women, Marina has dedicated her life to travel and new experiences. After working a 9-5 cubical lifestyle, Marina sold everything she owned, left her job and begun a new life with her boyfriend and travel companion, Jeff Johns. Together they relocated to Phuket, Thailand and founded Latitude 34 in which they seek to share their alternative lifestyle with the world.

Marina is a Visual Journalism graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography where she studied photography, videography and ultimately caught the travel bug. Through creating several international documentaries, Marina realized there was more to the world than work and wanted something more.