The numbers in the charts above are from the Rasmussen Poll -- the latest being done on August 26th and 27th of a random national sample of 1,000 adults, with a margin of error of 3 points.
Note that a clear majority of Americans (60%) now believe global climate change (more commonly referred to as global warming) is a serious issue. And since the beginning of 2012, a widening percentage of Americans think it is caused by human activity (rather than some planetary trend).
So, why isn't our government taking action to control this serious issue? Anyone who has been paying attention for the last few years should know the answer to that question. Any sufficient action would require corporations to stop polluting and clean up their act -- which would cost them some money. And they don't want to spend that money, so they have instead bought enough politicians (sadly, of both political parties) to make sure that doesn't happen.
This is just one more disadvantage of living in a corporate-controlled plutocracy.