Latest Trends Of Search Engine Optimization

Posted on the 04 April 2018 by Tracy Ashley @stella_jea

Have you got an amazing product or service and want people to be able to find you straight away on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines?

In the modern world of digital marketing Search Engine Optimization plays a very important role. However, this is a dynamic field that keeps changing towards modernization. The process of growing is based on the evolving algorithms and the way we utilize technology in our daily life. This is the reason you should pay attention to the latest trend of SEO marketing.

Voice Search

It’s true that mobile usage is increasing day-by-day. Thus, most of the user’s prefer voice search rather than typing. Also, the new technology has given birth to home assistance like Google Home and Alexa. This means voice search is a playing a bigger part in every users life. Simply it is becoming a natural habit.

Therefore, you need to be sure that the website you have is optimised for voice. Every people has a specific way of pronunciation. Your website must be able to understand the same search in a different pattern of voice. To take advantage of the voice search hire a social media marketing agency in Perth who are professional and skilled to provide such services.

Local Search

As the mobile usage increases, users often look for results that are based on geographical location. For example: “Thai restaurants near me”, Best coffee shop in Perth and many. This means, almost all of the mobile searches is based on location. Considering this, your website must be optimised according to the servicing area where you work. Also, claim your business in the local directories like Gumtree and Yellow pages. Add your location to metadata so that Google understand your servicing area and provide result accordingly.

User Experience

The primary focus of Google is to provide informative search results for users to drive up the profit and usage margins. The algorithm keeps changing and tweaking only to increase user happiness through the results they see in the search engine. Make sure that the contents in the website are easily and quickly accessible so that they match with the SEO statistics. If your website is filled with duplicate or spammy content with improper design and getup you are surely to fall behind among competitors. Keep in mind that the page must be designed uniquely to minimise loading time for the users.

Have You Any Questions?

Search Engine Optimization is a kind of platform that keeps changing according to the trend. Therefore, to be on the first page of Google you need to maintain the basic guideline of accessibility and uniqueness.

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