The buzz for this album seems to grow everyday! Drawing on inspirations in mythology, religion, fantastical tales from European literature and an obsession for classic horror cinema, The Necromancers are perhaps one of the more exciting bands to emerge in ages. Experimenting with progressive rock, heavy psych and the 70s pagan/proto-metal of bands like Black Sabbath and Coven, they take these influences, throw in the urgency of NWOBHM and douse the entire lot in lysergic illusions. All with a mind to create a debut album for the ages.Already being hailed as one of the best debut albums of the year, the limited edition version shown is limited to 100
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Posted on the 27 August 2017 by RipplemusicThe buzz for this album seems to grow everyday! Drawing on inspirations in mythology, religion, fantastical tales from European literature and an obsession for classic horror cinema, The Necromancers are perhaps one of the more exciting bands to emerge in ages. Experimenting with progressive rock, heavy psych and the 70s pagan/proto-metal of bands like Black Sabbath and Coven, they take these influences, throw in the urgency of NWOBHM and douse the entire lot in lysergic illusions. All with a mind to create a debut album for the ages.Already being hailed as one of the best debut albums of the year, the limited edition version shown is limited to 100