1. How did you and Zach meet? We met in college! We both were dating other people and joke that if he had never switched his major over to Education for one semester, we probably would have never met. Although we attended a pretty small college; Loras ( Du-WHAT! ) we ran with different crowds. We both are, obviously, happy that we our paths crossed and we've been together for 10 years ( married FIVE) next month!
2. What is your dream job? Honestly- there isn't ONE job I don't just throw myself into ha. Of course, blogging is always there and has been a constant in my life the last 7 years but I'm someone who loves to have multiple jobs including a full time one. I like to wear multiple hats if you will. Did you know in college I worked 5 part time jobs. Yeah- it was crazy but I loved it!
3. What would you change about your life? I wish we were closer to family. When we moved to Atlanta two and a half years ago it was a scary time for both of us and now adding one more little one to the mix, it would be nice to have grandparents, aunts and uncles come by to watch them here and there. We are thankful to have some incredible neighbors and friends to help to give us a little break from time to time!
1. Share a favorite place you've been! We had the most amazing time over in Germany and Austria this past September for Oktoberfest. Remind me I still need to do a great recap of that trip for you all! Sound of Music Fans? Yeah-- you HAVE to do the bike tour!
2. Do you have any other travel plans coming up? YES. Next year are going to Positano, Capri and Pompeii. It's going to be..b-a-n-a-n-a-s and I'll be taking you along with me ( over Instagram + Snapchat of course ) ;)
3. What advice do you have for people who travel? My sister and I actually took a trip to Europe together and learned so much. I shared a post about it here. I also wrote about my favorite travel apps to use too!
Blogging/Social Media:
1. How and why did you start a blog? I started blogging while in Graduate school back in 2010. Then it wasn't' as "cool" as it is now ha and not nearly as competitive that's for sure. I'm defiantly one that chooses #CommunityOverCompetition and found some great blogging buddies here in the ATL as well as all over!
2. When do you find the time to write? Before kids I usually would write in the morning or on my lunch break at work. Now, I still try and do that but with the little ones it gets crazy. I'll also get a few hours in on the weekend while they both take naps or take a few hours on Sunday to head to a local Starbucks and get some alone + coffee time in ;)
3. What's your best advice for newbie bloggers? Be yourself. It's so important and I know it's used all the time but it's true. Being authentic and you is what drives people to love what you do! If you're excited about something, we will be too! Don't worry about people that bring you down ( chances are they are insecure about something ) so try and be as upbeat and positive as possible.