The Sanders campaign, buoyed by their slim victory in Michigan last week, is hoping for more surprises this week -- and it is possible that he could score a close win in one or two of the March 15th states (the most likely being in Missouri and Ohio).
But I remain convinced that it will be a very good night for Hillary Clinton -- and whether she sweeps these states or just wins a majority of them, she will significantly increase her delegate lead after all the votes have been counted.
Here are the latest polls in the March 15th primary states:
WTSP/Mason-Dixon Poll (March 7-9) 500 likely voters (4.5 point moe).
Quinnipiac University Poll (March 2-7) 511 likely voters (4.3 point moe).
CNN / ORC Poll (March 2-6) 264 likely voters (6 point moe).
Washington Post / Univision Poll (March 2-5) 449 likely voters (6 point moe).
News 13 / SurveyUSA Poll (March 4-6) 823 likely voters (3.4 point moe).
High Point University Poll (March 9-10) 669 likely voters (3.8 point moe).
Civitas Poll (March 3-7) 500 likely voters (4.4 point moe).
WRAL-TV / SurveyUSA Poll (March 4-7) 687 likely voters (3.8 point moe).
CNN / ORC Poll (March 2-6) 294 likely voters (5.5 point moe).
Quinnipiac University Poll (March 2-7) 521 likely voters (4.3 point moe).
Public Policy Polling (March 4-6) 508 likely voters (4.4 point moe).
Chicago Tribune Poll (March 2-6) voter number and moe not given.
WeAskAmerica Poll (March 7-8) 994 likely voters (3.1 point moe).
Ft. Hays State University Poll (March 3-10) 145 likely voters (8 point moe).
(NOTE -- The caricatures of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders above are by DonkeyHotey.)