Latest on the M17 False Flag

Posted on the 31 January 2015 by Calvinthedog

From the Internet:

Anyone familiar with the USA false flag procedures would acknowledge that what the USA and the sleazy, untrustworthy MSM did in the immediate aftermath of the downing of Flight 17 and see the commotion for what it was – an attempt to frame the separatists and also Russia. The lies went on nonstop for days with no proof offered, like the fraudulent ‘conversation’ allegedly recorded between some Russian general and a separatist leader.

That got outed within a few days, leaving the US spokeswomen hinting at some revelations to come, but for now, “Trust us, would we lie to you?” as a way to make and open and shut case. The preposterous story of the Russians secretly moving a BUK into Donbass, shooting down an airliner and then secretly moving it out is how propaganda works.

If you check the ‘paper of record,’ the New York Times, you’ll see it shut up several weeks after the psyops, and hasn’t uttered a word since about Flight 17, like most MSM outlets. But at first, when they were spinning the Big Lie, they couldn’t shut up about how Russia was the one and Vlad some kind of Hitler reincarnation.

Add in the shelling of the crash site by Kiev to prevent any investigation of the wreckage, and it all points toward a USA-Kiev False Flag to demonize Russia and Vlad. The NWO goons in DC and London want the Crimea badly and will stop at nothing to steal that prime peace of real estate even if it involves shooting down a jetliner.

By the way,, has anyone heard the Kiev Tower radio traffic, and can anyone explain why Flight 17 was rerouted that day to fly 100 km further south, putting it right over the danger zone?

I feel sure that only parts of the wreckage that fit the script will be removed, and any analysis will be superficial. It should be obvious to everybody that within days if not hours of MH17 crashing, forensic analysis of the ‘projectiles’ and their propellant lodged in the bodies and wreckage would be available. This would include chemical explosive residue, missile shrapnel, expanding rods, tungsten 30mm cannon shell fragments – all material not found in a Boeing 777 and readily available for retrieval and independent analysis by multiple labs. As I have said before, that this was not done (or done covertly) is indicative of a massive coverup. Speculation is easy, but what are the real reasons?

I agree with almost everything in this post, but I am still wondering if the US was actually in on the shooting down of this jet or if they just helped cover it up afterwards? The fact that we were in on this at all was one of the principle reasons why I have truly lost faith in my country anymore. I suppose I am an America-hater now. Oh well.