Latest Feminist Trend – Call All Men Pedophiles
by Magneto
Apparently calling all men rapists has gotten tiring for feminists, so now they need a new straw man label to throw at men. Well that new label is to call all men pedophiles. I believe Robert recently dealt with this exact issue.
Let’s say a woman sees something you wrote and doesn’t like it? Rather than logically refute your article, it would be much easier for her to just start throwing pejoratives at you. Nowadays calling men rapists doesn’t carry much weight since they’ve beaten that one to death. Instead the main pejorative women throw at you when they can’t defeat you in an argument is to just call you a pedophile.
One time I was on a Facebook group and I mentioned that I am married to a foreign woman. Immediately some White woman started attacking me and calling me a pedophile. Do White women even realize how racist they are? They are implying that non-White women are all just a bunch of girly dolls and slaves who cannot think for themselves, and thus any man who marries them must be a pedophile. Because after all, docile, feminine, non-feminist foreign women aren’t big, strong, independent women like White women. White women are implying that only White women are “mature adults,” and non-White women are all just “immature children”.
I also dealt with this recently. I’m friends with a lot of younger people from Generation Z (people born after the year 2000) because I really get along well with them. Why do I get along well with them? Because they are all very red-pilled. They all hate feminism, multiculturalism, and SJWs. Being friends with them gives me a feeling of hope for the future, and as a result I became a much more positive person.
So I randomly message a lot of people on Facebook and Instagram, just chatting and getting to know random people. I messaged some White chick from the UK. She asked me my age, and I told her I am in my 30’s. She reacted in a shocked way and said she was 14. I said cool, that’s fine with me.
Then she added me to a private chat group with her mom, dad, and brother and sister and the name of the chat group was “Pedo Help”. They started attacking me and accusing me of being a pedophile, and I told them “What the fuck is wrong with you people? What kind of horrible parents you are that you would brainwash your children to believe the whole world is out to get them, and everyone over age 30 is a pedophile. You should be ashamed of yourselves. And by the way, I’m friends with tons of younger people and none of them have ever accused me of being a pedophile before.”
Then they posted a picture I had posted of an Indian chick and I laughed, typing “LOL” and wrote “That girl is over 18, by the way”. I kept telling the mom that she is a horrible mother and should be ashamed for filling her children’s head with so much fear. The mother was probably 35 or so, a member of the Millennial SJW Generation. I finally just told her to go fuck herself, left the chat and blocked them all.
Unfortunately, the Millennial generation is the worst generation to ever exist. The vast majority are radical SJWs, and this is perhaps why the younger generation, Gen Z, is rejecting all of their SJW bullshit. I can’t wait for Generation Z to reach voting age, so they can start voting against the Millennials’ bullshit SJW politics. Millennial women are all total cancer. They are the worst feminists you will ever encounter.
Now what has been the practical result of this “All men are pedophiles” feminist hysteria?
The result is that men are afraid to even help a child if the child is in a life or death situation. Let’s say a child is drowning in a swimming pool. Most men would be afraid to jump in and help the child for fear that their SJW parents might accuse him of being a pedophile. The toxic man-hatred of Western women has reached such a point that many men are outright saying that they would never help a woman even in a life or death situation. For instance if a woman was getting raped in the street. Many men have openly stated that they would not help the woman because if they stop and help the woman, she might very well accuse him of trying to rape her too.
Western women have completely destroyed men’s natural instinct to protect women. Just think about that. That is the degree of man-hatred that Western women possess. They have successfully pissed off men to such an extent that men will refuse to help them even in a life or death situation. Congratulations, ladies. You got what you wanted. You have been telling us men for decades that you hate us and don’t need us. Fine. Next time you are getting raped or beaten or robbed in the street? Don’t be surprised when no man comes to your aide. You are truly on your own now and have attained the independence that you claimed you have wanted all this time. Enjoy, ladies!