Lately: Looking for Sunshine, Yoga Knitting, and More…

By Vikasacharya
February 3, 2017

Lately: Looking for Sunshine, Yoga Knitting, and More…

Mrs. Walker's Art and Illustrations

“It is a serious thing //just to be alive / on this fresh morning / in this broken world.”― Mary Oliver, Red BirdThe Oldest Walker Boy send me this beautiful photo of the view from his office in Toronto. The sun broke through glorious.

At the moment, sunshine is a bit of a rare commodity here and it almost seems to reflect the state of the world we are in right now. Its hard, very hard not to be weighed down by the daily news I find. I am not going to discuss that, this blog is not about politics and the likes. But I find it difficult to make a post about my important nothings. However I am going to because I need to. We all need to find things that replenish our energy and make us keep going on doing what we believe in..right?

Here you…

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Written by Vikas Acharya Posted in blogger