Late Summer Salads with Peaches + Watermelon

By Thedreamery

Okay, you’re probably thinking “who does this crazy girl think she is still sharing summer recipes, Fall is coming!” Well I can’t jump on your bandwagon of autumn excitement just yet, why, one I don’t care for this change in season, sorry not sorry, and secondly there are still summer ingredients to be enjoyed. And I’ve been enjoying them, and will be, until farmer’s markets no longer gift us with these delicious produce. Personally, summer vegetables and fruits are my favorite, I mean how can you not enjoy sweet peaches, juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, and refreshing watermelon, not to mention they come in abundance!

Naturally, I can’t stop eating these favorite ingredients mostly because they make me feel that summer is still here, even if everyone has totally forgotten about it.

But let’s get back the those ingredients I mentioned…I’m not lying when I say I’ve been eating them daily. There isn’t a meal I eat that I don’t include them in, and often they’re paired together. This summer I couldn’t get enough of peaches and watermelon in my salads. I craved these salad combinations constantly, so of course they moved to the top of my list of favorite summer dishes.

Ripened peaches, sweet like honey alongside equally sweet yet tart heirloom tomatoes are out of this world. Don’t knock it before you try it. Maybe the mound of fresh avocado will do you in. Cucumbers make for the perfect crunch to this salad, and basil brings out the sweet summer flavors even more.Of all the delicious summer produce, the one I craved like no other was watermelon. I couldn’t get enough! I made agua frescas, cocktails, ate it as a midday refresher, but mostly I sliced it with my favorite Cheroke Purple and Marvel Stripe tomatoes. Just looking at this beautiful salad makes me want it right now! If you can still find them, choose one of the many varieties and colors of heirloom tomatoes.

I used fresh basil again because it pairs just perfectly with the sweet flavors of the watermelon and tomato. To finish it off, crushed walnuts, a drizzle of good olive oil, and fresh cracked black pepper was all these summer dish need. Yes, it’s that simple, but so incredibly delicious.

If you don’t mix your vegetables with fruit, these salads will convert you. They are simple enough to put together for a light weeknight meal, and yet fancy enough to serve at an end of summer bash.

Beyond being so delicious, I love these salad because they are so colorful! Aren’t they  beautiful! Talk about a dish making a statement. It look just as summer should – fun, bright and happy!

And don’t bank on this being my last summer post, I might have another one up my sleeve…can someone say I’m having a hard time letting go. But if you can’t find any of these summer produce at your markets any longer, then save them until next year!

Summer you have been sweetly delicious!

Watermelon, Heirloom Tomato + Cucumber Salad 

Ingredients {Serves 2}

2 medium – Heirloom Tomatoes {sliced into 1/2″ rounds}

about 2 cups – Watermelon {sliced into 1″ triangles}

1 medium – Cucumber {peeled + sliced into 1/4″ rounds}

1/4 cup – Raw Walnuts {roughly chopped + whole}

Handful Fresh Basil, julienned 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, to taste

Fresh Ground Black Pepper and Sea Salt, to taste


Arrange sliced vegetables and watermelon onto a platter as desired. Season with ground pepper, sea salt, and drizzle with olive oil. Finish with walnuts, and serve chilled.

Peach, Heirloom Tomato + Avocado Salad

Ingredients {Serves 2}

2 medium – Heirloom Tomatoes {chopped into 1/2″ pieces}

1 large – Peach {peeled, optional + sliced into 1/4″ pieces}

1 medium – Cucumber {peeled + chopped into 1/2″ pieces}

1 – Avocado {chopped}

Handful Fresh Basil, julienned 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Apple Cider Vinegar, to taste

Fresh Ground Black Pepper and Sea Salt, to taste


In a large bowl, mix together the chopped tomatoes, peach, and cucumber with the basil. Season to taste with salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar. Mix until just combined, and place into serving bowl. Top with chopped avocado, and serve chilled.