Remember my office /guest room? It had a bed in it?
Well that bed was a no-good catch all from hell. It attracted piles. It was always a mess. And we have only had 2-3 guests sleep in it since I put that room together.
I am also ALWAYS in my office, and it bugged me that 1/3 of the room was taken up by it.
So I took the sofa bed from the kids playroom, put it in my office and rearranged its face off. It is still a mess and unorganized, but I now have both my desks side by side, I just spin in my chair.
And I can close off one workspace if I want, and have invisible friends sit on the sofa and chat and drink cocktails from my invisible bar. Might need to actually make one visible, because that would fun to have. and dangerous.
and I will be getting ready to paint my entry wall, so keep on voting. Agate is winning!
Sorry for any typos, I'm off for a school pick up and running late. have a good one!