Last Second Halloween Costumes Anyone Can Make

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Not all of us like to get dressed up for Halloween. But sometimes peer pressure, a great costumes-required party, or the pushing of a significant other requires us to get in the spirit and put on a costume.

Whether you procrastinated or just realized you need something to wear, here are seven costumes you can put together with things you probably have around the house. They may not be award winners, but they should pass muster as a “costume” for those who take the holiday way more serious than you do.

For the interest of time, none of these require painting, so you should be able to throw these together in virtually no time at all.

The Classic Sheet Ghost

The classic sheet ghost. Photo by Jackie on Flickr.

So classic, it’s a Halloween cliché. But it a costume. Quick to throw together, though you will have to sacrifice a sheet to cut holes in it.

The Conspiracy Theorist

The conspiracy theorist costume. Note the tinfoil hat. Photo by Will on Flickr.

This should be totally “in” this year, with recent revelations that the NSA is monitoring us citizens. Again. Just claim you already knew it that while wearing a tinfoil hat.

The Pro Athlete

Dressing up as a pro athlete is a cinch for sports fans. Photo by Phil Scoville.

If your kids are in sports, they can dress as a pro athlete. Handy for those times when Halloween falls on a game night or when they have practice anyway.

For us adults, don your lucky jersey or collectible helmet and pass yourself off as a pro. Or put on your old college sweatshirt and get some big earphones and carry a clipboard – you’re the coach.

The Cyborg

Less work than a tinfoil robot – the tinfoil cyborg. Photo by Kevin Jaako.

Most quick Halloween costume lists include the robot. Get a box, paint it silver, or wrap in tinfoil.

However, you can achieve a similar sci-fi look by just covering part of yourself in tinfoil and telling people you are a cyborg – part robot, part human. It also require a lot less tinfoil.


A hobo costume can be quick, or you can put a lot of effort into it. Photo by Phil Kates.

Another classic for the lazy costumer is the hobo. It is not so much a costume as a particular look. Guys, you can even claim your failure to shave the previous few days was all part of the plan.

Walking stick, mismatched clothes (wear lots of layers) and a cheery demeanor are all you need. And you can totally stuff treats in your pockets from the party and claim you are doing it to be in character.

The Ninja

The ninja costume – for when you’d rather not be seen. Photo by Joey Gannon.

Don all your black clothes, and find a t-shirt to make into a ninja hood (aka a balaclava). It’s a perfect costume if you are planning on being a wallflower anyway.

It’s so easy, even a kid can do it. Here’s one to show you how:

The Toilet Paper Mummy

Toilet paper is a valuable Halloween commodity. Photo by Mike Hartnett.

I know you have got to have access to toilet paper. Especially if your bah humbug attitude towards Halloween has ever prompted you to embrace the “trick” rather than “treat” side.

A TP mommy is a simple enough costume, requiring just a few rolls of the stuff. For a wee bit more effort, dampen sections, especially on your face, just enough so that it sticks and makes a clingy mask.

The Celebrity

Dress nice, be a celebrity. Hide your face from the paparazzi all night! Photo by amuchmoreexotic on Flickr.

This may take no effort at all. Think of a role in a movie in which a person played a character in a similar outfit. Bathrobe, curlers, and a coat hanger? Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest. Combat boots and a gown? Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality. Nice suit? Bruce Wayne – really, you’re Batman, but without the nocturnal getup. A less formal suit and some glasses, and you’re Clark Kent/Superman.

You could also put a paper bag over your head, or hide your face all night saying, “No pictures!” That might spare you getting tagged in embarrassing Facebook posts as well as selling the whole “hiding from the paparazzi.”

What are your favorite easy and quick Halloween costumes?