Last Night's Dinner - Stuffed Green Peppers

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
This might not sound new to a few, especially to my Indian readers, but I still would like to share this recipe for the sake of those who have never tried this easiest, most delicious, ready-in-no-time Indian delicacy. The recipe that I used today uses tomato paste and chaat masala in addition to the everyday spices.. The mix of the two ( chaat masala and tomato paste)  with the potatoes bring out the best of the otherwise not-so-pleasant tasting peppers. You have the option of either oven baking these or shallow pan roasting, which I did. Since I like mine extra brown and crispy on the top, pardon the burn't look. 

So let's get cooking......
For 2 servings you need:- 

BASE - 2 bell peppers ( preferably big )- deseeded and cut into half along the horizontal center .
 (you could use any color peppers. )
boiled and well mashed potatoes- 3-4 medium ( feel free to use minced meat, cottage cheese, other veggies, refried beans as other fillings ) 
chopped onions- 1/2 a cup
ginger-garlic paste- 1 tbsp
tomato paste- 1 to 1.5 tbsp
cumin power- 2 tbsp
red chilli powder- 1 tsp
chaat masala- 1 tbsp, or more for a tangier taste
a handful of chopped cilantro
salt and pepper to taste
oil for sauteing the stuffing and little more for shallow frying the stuffed peppers. 
Start with heating some oil in a pan. Saute the onions and ginger-garlic paste. Then add the potatoes, spices, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Finish with cilantro. 
Using a spoon, stuff this into the cut peppers. I like to press down and stuff as much as the pepper can hold without spilling. Now heat the remaining oil in a deep pan, arrange the peppers,  cut side up. Bring down the heat to medium, put a lid and let them roast for 6-7 mins. Then flip the peppers, now open side down. Continue to roast covered for another 5-7 mins or a couple minutes extra if you like it crispier. 
Serve it hot with anything and everything. 
Now savor it.........sure you will like it !
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by