Last-minute Shopping Tips for Valentine’s Day

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

If you have not yet started shopping for Valentine's Day, all hope is not lost. You still have time to plan the perfect date for that somebody special. Here are a few last-minute shopping tips and ideas that will help you treat them to a romantic evening they will never forget!

Home or out

First things first, you need to decide whether you would like to spend the evening at home of take your Valentine out for a few hours. Since you are doing some last-minute shopping, you should be prepared for most restaurants to be fully booked by now. However, you might just be in luck. If not, a romantic date at home is also perfect! Even if you are not much of a cook, you could always order in or have your favourite restaurant prepare a meal that you can simply collect and replate at home.

Traditional with a twist

Some of the most popular traditional Valentine's Day gifts include chocolates, flowers and teddy bears. Now, for some, these gifts are somewhat cliché. However, there are ways in which you can take the traditional and give it a fresh twist. When last-minute shopping for your partner or spouse, look for a bouquet that includes their favourite flowers rather than traditional red roses. Similarly, instead of choosing a heart-shaped box of chocolates, you could look for a box of their favourites. As for a teddy bear, if they already have a collection, you could replace it with a bottle of bubbly instead.

Something homemade

Last-minute shopping does not mean that you have to shop for everything on your list. You could take just a little bit of time out your busy day to make something for your loved one. Even if you don't fancy yourself to be much of an arts and crafts type of person, you can still make a personalised card with a special and sentimental message. After the chocolates have been enjoyed and the flowers have perished, you can be sure that your loved one will still hold on to the card you made!

Back up plans

Always have a back up plan just in case things don't go off as expected. For example, if your dinner plans at a restaurant are canceled, you should have a plan to eat at home. When making your reservation, ask the restaurant if they are able to at least prepare the meal in the event that they are not able to accommodate guests. Worst case scenario, stock up on some finger foods that you can keep in the freezer just in case dinner plans don't work out. In a pinch, you can cook them up and have a private picnic indoors.

All of these last-minute shopping tips are easy and affordable. You don't need to spend beyond your means to let your Valentine know that you care. You don't need to send the most expensive romantic flowers, for example. Instead, have the florist deliver a modest bouquet that you can afford. This way, you can splash out on other gifts like a nice piece of jewellery if you like.