It's been a huge hit. It's very quick and easy to play (we're not quite at the Monopoly marathon phase of family life), I can argue that it helps with fine motor skills, and my daughters love it. However I'm not sure they love how every time we play it, I insist on singing the jingle from the Jenga commercials of my childhood:
(Insert music notes here)
"Jenga...Jenga...J..J..J..Jenga. You take a block from the bottom and you put it on top, you take a block from the middle and you put it on top. That's how you build the tower; you just don't stop. You gotta build that tower putting blocks on top. And it teeters and it totters, as you build it on up; it weebles and it wobbles, but you don't give up. You take a block from the bottom and you put it on top, you take a block from the middle and you put it on top, till someone knocks it over, and that's when you stop, but you start all over putting blocks on top!"
In case you're not familiar with the game, the object is to pull blocks out of the tower, placing them on top, without knocking the whole thing over. Of course my perfectionist six year old always prefaces her moves with "If it falls over, it's because I'm actually trying to do that".
Portable and perfect for kids or game-players of any age, I think we've already played it more than any other board game with our girls. Keep it in mind if you still need to cross someone off your list!