Last Half of September 2019

By Scarecrow

Chooks helping in the garden

Potting on of seedlings continued along with bed preparation led by the chooks and their Earwig catching prowess. Warmer days but still chilly nights with 4 frosty mornings. A total of 10.8mm of rain fell barely soaking the ground. As clean up continues around the garden I take cuttings from hardy plants that survive our harsh conditions.

Sunday 15th
Cleaned out the orchard pond
Weeded beds around pond
Took cuttings from Rock Rose Cistus albidus

Wednesday 18th
Potted up into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol (seaweed extract) and Charlie Carp (Fish emulsion) and Potting mix:
Alyssum Rosie O'Day
Alyssum Snow Cloth
Marigold French Bonita
Zinnia Giant Dahlia Flowered Mixed
Zinnia Purple Prince

Friday 20th Rain!!
Top up sowing of home saved Parsnip Seeds after a total "no show" from the bought seeds.

Wednesday 25th
Potted up into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol (seaweed extract) and Charlie Carp (Fish emulsion) and Potting mix:
Cosmos Bright Lights
Cosmos Diablo
Cosmos Sensation Mixed

Friday 27th
Potted up store bought seedlings of Eggplant Market Supreme as only 1 seedling germinated from the old seed I used.

Lot's of seedlings "potted up"

Monday 30th
Potted on into a mixture of rainwater soaked coir plus Seasol (seaweed extract) and Charlie Carp (Fish emulsion) and Potting mix:
Alyssum (perennial)
Cuttings taken:
Native Pigface Carpobrotus rossii