Last Half of October 2019

By Scarecrow

Beds 11 and 12 all planted up now and growing away

Tuesday 15th
Planted out:
Black Seeded Climbing Snake Beans into Bed 14 on obelisk and in corners
Kentucky Wonder Wax Climbing Beans along trellis in Bed 17
Purple King Climbing Beans in cage on Bed 2
Bush Cherokee Wax Beans in centre of Bed 15

Sunday 20th
Planted out:
2 Sugarlump Cherry Tomato seedlings to grow on the arch trellis on Bed 11 and 2 Chive plants on the corners.
2 Sugarlump Cherry Tomato seedlings to grow on the other side of the arch trellis on bed 12 and 4 Muncher Burpless Cucumber seedlings to grow up the obelisk in this bed.
2 Muncher Burpless Cucumbers seedlings in obelisk in Bed 13
6 Roma Tomato seedlings on the edge of the Bush Cherokee Wax Beans in Bed 15
6 San Marzano Tomato seedlings in the cage on Bed 19

Tuesday 22nd
Planted out:
4 Okinowa Spinach Gynura bicolor (cuttings overwintered) and Cosmos Bright Lights around the outside of the tomato cage (San Marzano tomatoes) on Bed 19
Marigolds around the edge of Bed 15 near the Roma tomatoes
2 Mini White Cucumber in obelisk on Bed 13 where the parsnips still haven't come up

Potted up:
Agastache Agastache rugosa Licorice Blue

Sown: (from Woolies freebie packs Discovery Garden) with the help of the 3 big Grandies who were staying with us:

Watching coir soil pellets grow is an amazing pastime for twin 9 year olds and a 7 year old

Wednesday 23rd
Strong winds forecast for tomorrow so I "tied in" all the tomatoes using strips of cotton interlock fabric .

Saturday 26th
Correa (not sure which type just that it is a survivor)
Pink Jasmine Jasminum polyanthum

Sunday 27th
Planted out:
4 Hungarian Heart Tomatoes into the cage on Bed 9
2 Market Supreme Eggplant at front of the cage on bed 9
4 Nasturtiums at rear of the cage on bed 9
Mixed Cucumbers in cage on bed 18
Purple King Beans on the arch trellis next to Tomatoes in Beds 11 and 12
Potted up:
Basil Ocimum basilicum - Thai

Monday 28th
2 Sugarlump Cherry Tomato seedlings to grow on the trellis at the back of Bed 3
5 Ida Gold Dwarf Cherry Tomatoes in Bed 3
3 Mitsuba Cryptotaenia japonica (aka Japanese Parsley) in Bed 3

Tuesday 29th
Sewed hems on shadecloth and put up new shades over garden beds

Wednesday 30th
Planted Fryer's Mixed Capsicums in Bed 4 in the Shade Tunnel
Planted 1 Golden Zucchini, 2 Lebanese Zucchini and 2 Cocozelle Zucchini into Bed 17

All grownup now "Microman" loves cuddling the chooks