Last Day of September

By Sue15cat

Well it's the last day of September, and what a quick month that seemed to be. 
It's also I think, the last jug full of Sweet peas from the Veggie Patch.   I only planted them to attract the bees to pollinate the French and Runner beans which have both fizzled out and done terribly this year.  The Sweet Peas however, have done brilliantly well, my best Sweet Pea display ever, bringing color and a glorious scent to the hillside and the house over and over again. The more you pick the more you get!!

Shopping with Mum last week saw me spending another bit of my Flower Show winnings on more packets of seeds.  They were being sold off at 50p a pack at the garden centre, so that's another £3 spent.
Well roll on October, let's see what you have in store for us, is all I have to say now :-)
Sue xx