Last Day of Elementary School

By Secondchancesgirl
June 7th was Adrian's last day of elementary school. I know every mom says it, you know "I can't believe my baby is moving onto middle school" but honestly, I can't believe Adrian is moving onto middle school come August. It's been a long six years though, full of many ups and downs, but I know he has enjoyed it all. Time for the obligatory last day of school pic:

I do need to be honest though, I really thought he wasn't going to make it. Fifth grade has been quite the learning process for us. You would think I would know all about my child's learning by now but I realized a lot this year, First of all, there is a reading comprehension issue that we are working on. Then, there is some laziness on his part along with misunderstandings on mine. We are learning together.  (1st day of fifth grade pic!)

We still don't have a middle school for Adrian but I know the right decision will come to me. I am trying to find a private school where there will be a little more discipline and no state testing. Adrian does not do well on state testing and He really doesn't need the stress year after year. Public school is not for him but getting him into a private school hasn't been easy at all.
I know he will miss all the friends he has made in the past six years but it's time for everyone to go their separate ways. They can still call each other and I know they squad up on Fortnite all the time! By the way, is Fortnite all the rage in your home as well? Anyway, time to relax and enjoy the summer!! oh and just to tug on some heartstrings, check out his first day of Kindergarten picture:

The grand 5th grade adventure has come to end! Bring it on 6th grade!