Last Call for Submissions for Next Earth First! Journal Issue

Posted on the 26 May 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

call for submissions2.2Dear Readers,

We’re compiling content for the next issue of the EF! Journal, Lughnasadh/Summer 2014, and are still seeking submissions.

We are interested in anything you feel like sending us, but particularly:

  • Campaign updates from your environmental or animal rights group!
  • High resolution nature or action pictures!
  • Current threats to biodiversity and/or calls to action!
  • Discussions or how-to guides on campaign strategies and tactics!
  • Letters to the Editors (AKA Dear Shit Fer Brains)!
  • Anything with a biocentric perspective!
  • Critiques of the environmental movement (and how to move forward)!
  • Your original art (from doodles to dadaism)!

The Earth First! Journal strives to represent a diverse collection of voices from the radical environmental movement. We really can’t do it without you!

Don’t be shy; we’re not very good writers either. Send submissions to collective[at]earthfirstjournal[dot]org, or mail them to:

Earth First! Journal
PO Box 964
Lake Worth, FL 33460

The official content deadline is May 31, so don’t hesitate!

If you send by mail, please include an email address and/or phone number. As always, we’ll let you know if we decide to include your submission in the Journal, and send edits for approval before going to print.

Questions? Call our office: (561) 320-3840, or email us at collective[at]earthfirstjournal[dot]org

Hope to hear from you soon!

For the Wild,
The Earth First! Journal Collective