Laser Hair Removal: Why People Are Going Crazy About It

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

With the demanding schedules of today’s belle du jours, who has the time for a full beauty routine anymore? One thing off the list of things to pluck, shave, wax, thread or epilate is one thing off the growing list of things that the modern woman has to worry about. Every single second of time saved counts, especially if it’s towards the ultimate beauty secret-getting more beauty sleep.

Thankfully, with today’s innovations in technology, keeping up with the world’s demanding beauty standards is becoming easier. Enter laser hair removal, a permanent hair reduction treatment that takes shaving or waxing right off your mind and your list of things to do.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal refers to the usage of laser and light-based methods to destroy hair follicles, effectively preventing re-growth. Unlike other hair removal methods, laser can be used on practically any part of your body. A very commonly treated area is the underarms, an area that a woman cannot neglect to keep hair-free. Some women choose to get laser hair removal treatments for their legs, or even their upper lips if they have some light peach fuzz.

At this point you’re probably thinking “but laser is so expensive!” which, to be honest, is quite true. A single session for both underarms can set you back quite a bit. There are package deals which offer a certain number of sessions for a discounted rate, but there’s no denying the fact that it’s actually still a bit pricey. While it’s true that it may seem like a hefty price tag at first, in the long run it’s more cost-effective than monthly waxing or the endless supply of disposable razors you have to keep buying.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

The benefits of laser hair removal certainly outweigh its cost as well. Laser is practically pain-free and if you ever do feel a sting it’s likely comparable to a simple ant bite (note that pain tolerance may vary from person to person). The procedure is done so quickly that you could be in and out of the clinic during your lunch break. Downtime is minimal and you can see the treatment immediately working in between the monthly sessions. Aside from the obvious hair reduction, your underarms will be free of unsightly razor bumps, ingrown hairs, discoloration and chicken skin. Your underarms will also appear lighter and smoother in general.

In short, 3-8 sessions of laser hair removal will give you that confidence boost you need to wear the clothes that you couldn’t wear before. Without all that unwanted hair you’ll be able to strut your stuff in those sleeveless tops and dresses without a single care in the world. Of course, if you have skin concerns that you need to get addressed, don’t forget to consult your dermatologist about treatment first!

This article is written by Chrissy, Smart Poppy‘s content editor. If discounted high end cosmetics are what you’re looking for, head over to Smart Poppy.