Laser Beam Crosswalks

Posted on the 20 December 2012 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

Now here is something the Angry Pedestrian and his tried and true green transportation method – his feet - can get behind. It would also be appreciated by the increasingly preoccupied smartphone-staring public as they cross the street head buried in the Internet.

Clueless and/or distracted drivers and plugged-in pedestrians can make for a dangerous combination. Too bad it has come to this, but they both could use a guardian to keep them from getting into accidents. Hojoon Lim has designed Guardian Crosswalk to hopefully cut down on the danger. Functioning a lot like a normal crosswalk, lighted pillars alert pedestrians when it’s okay for them to cross. The main difference, however, between contemporary crosswalks and the Guardian is the lasers. Active at all times, lasers are used to either shield those crossing from cars or to keep pedestrians safely on the sidewalk as they wait to cross. Still in the design concept stage, the idea is a clever one. Incidentally, this idea was found on Yanko Design, “a web magazine dedicated to introducing the best modern international design,” which has shown up on this site before with the intelligent water faucet.
