Lapis Lazuli Healing: Mental, Emotional & Physical Healing

Posted on the 19 August 2018 by Raulfj

A stone that is not only beautiful, but also has exceptional healing powers. Lapis lazuli cures and alleviates mental, emotional and physical illnesses.

In our Top 10 Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties post, you have already seen how this miraculous stone has been helping humankind from its beginning until this day. In this post, we’ll explore even more healing qualities of lapis lazuli over the physical pain and the effects it has on the recovery of the patients. We will learn how this deep blue semi-precious stone  can be used for healing our body, mind and soul.

Every culture has traditional natural remedies, developed over and used for thousands of years. Unfortunately, traditional science is never interested in such topics, so there is never scientific evidence to which natural remedies work and which are not. And it is not a surprise, no one is going to finance studies to learn the influence of chamomile, that in some countries can be found on any field, onto the eye irritation or inflammation. It is always better to sell you a pill or some drops.

Situation is even worse when it comes to crystal healing. Crystal healing is never intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments of traditional medicine.  The idea is to combine traditional medicine with crystal healing which offers a supportive treatment to your illness.  It’s not a direct cure to your physical ailment as crystal healing work on the vital energy level.  So, all evidence you have for the healing properties of stones are the beliefs of ancients and reviews of other people.

Crystal Therapy or crystal healing crosses the boundaries of religious and spiritual beliefs.  It is no longer viewed as the domain of alternative culture, but as an acceptable and more mainstream complimentary therapy.

The philosophy of modern crystal healing is based on traditional concepts borrowed from Asian cultures, most notably the Chinese concept of life-energy (chi or qi) and the Hindu or Buddhist concept of chakras, which are vortices of this life-energy, said to connect the physical and an also the supernatural elements of the body.

The premise of crystal therapy is based on idea that crystals can in a sense communicate with the energies flowing around the human body.  Every crystal has its own unique electromagnetic charge.  These charges or healing vibrations are supposed to interact with the bodies’ energy centers to remove blockages and restore a healthy flow through the body and also the mind.

Throughout history, different precious stones and gems were believed to have certain metaphysical qualities and their energies were used to help relieve pain and heal various mental and physical diseases. Lapis lazuli, in its turn, was one of the most widely used stones for healing. Today, we will provide you with all the information available nowadays about lapis lazuli healing and you can decide by yourself the benefits of this stone.

However you use crystal healing in your life, remember that the results come from the energy and belief you put in it.  Buy your healing stones and amulets from our favorite store and start your healing process!

Lapis Lazuli Physical Healing

Throughout history, lapis lazuli was extremely widely used for healing and some really fascinating remedies were made with lapis lazuli. Valued as not only beautiful high status decorative and symbolic stone and pigment, Lapis lazuli was also an important bio-pharmaceutical.

The Egyptians, who had an extensive use for lapis lazuli, believed in its healing secrets and used it most of all to cure eyesight illnesses.

According to the “Book of Stones” written by the thirteenth-century Egyptian scholar Ahmad Yusuf al-Tifashi, Lapis Lazuli that is ground to a fine powder, had the most remarkable properties.  It was especially good for the eyes (eye ailments to this day are a major problem in Egypt).

“Book of Stones” also tells us how lapis lazuli was recommended as treatment for melancholia. The prescription was to take four measures of Lapis Lazuli with lukewarm rosewater to reduce the gastric juices, one of the causes for melancholia.

Following book also recommends lapis lazuli  for asthma and many more:

Lapis lazuli powdered on a piece of wood from a palm tree is useful for open ulcers that eat at the skin.  And if it is powdered with vinegar and spread over leprosy spots it fades them away.

If added to a hair cream lapis makes the hair curly and improves its texture.

In other words, a miraculous stone.

It is known that the Ancient Egyptian Ebers Papyrus (1534 BC) recommends real lapis lazuli (but not the Egyptian Blue synthetic glass equivalent) to be mixed with green and black eye paints or kohls (based on malachite and galena), crocodile dung and two herbs in a milk base.

The mixture was applied to eyes not only to eliminate “stasis of water” – probably cataracts, but also to eliminate blood vessels in both eyes known as conjunctivitis. Another  famous recipe recommends applying a ductile dough comprising equal parts of green and black kohls, lapis lazuli, ochre and honey to the eye.

One ancient limestone ostracon contains a prescription against hysteria comprising lapis lazuli, green stone (malachite), a fumigant, one herb and raisins, all should be mixed together in a jug of wine. This illness was supposedly caused by internal movement of the uterus.

Ancient Egyptians also used lapis lazuli powder to prevent gallstones, sleeplessness, melancholy and fever. Pharaohs used head kerchiefs with lapis because it was especially effective for migraines. Check our Egyptian Lapis Lazuli post to learn more about the life and death importance and use of lapis lazuli in Ancient Egypt.

Medical texts on cuneiform tablets from the Assyrian Ashurbanipal’s library at Nineveh recommended Lapis lazuli in eye ointments for complaints caused by the Hand of Ghost and, with accompanying incantations, to anoint the ears or be bound to the site of the pain for “emplacement of the intense pain of hand of ghost”.

The 13th century Rasaratna Samuccaya and other Ayurvedic texts state that Lapis has rejuvenating, nourishing, appetising, digestive and aphrodisiac qualities, and should be employed for urinary disorders, tuberculosis, haemorrhoids, anaemia, hiccough, vomiting and even alcoholism!

In Buddhist tradition, The Medicine Buddha (Healing Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance), father of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, is represented holding a lapis bowl; the rock is esteemed for curing cases of poisoning, disorders of the lymph, and leprosy and is even believed to cure grey hair!

In the Western tradition, Lapis was regarded as being toxic and it often was subjected to heating and numerous washes in order to render it useful; even so, it was still a powerful purge and emetic.

The Greeks and the Romans used lapis lazuli in the treatment of circulatory diseases, epilepsy as well as skin troubles.

The Romans  also believed that  lapis lazuli was a powerful aphrodisiac, while the people of the Middle Ages considered it a stone to keep the limbs strong and stave off fear.

“Ancient Romans used #LapisLazuli as an aphrodisiac. #LapisLazuliHealing”
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Dioscorides (c. 40-90 AD) was a Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanist, and author of De Materia Medica a 5-volume Greek encyclopedia about herbal medicine and related medicinal substances. He stated that lapis lazuli is good for scorpion stings, internal ulcers and growths on the eye, while the first natural history encyclopedia – Hortus Sanitatis (1491), suggests that it cures tumours in children, epilepsy, headache, vertigo and melancholy.

The Lapidario of Alfonso X (c. 1250) -medical and magical treatise about the properties of stones in relation to astrology, proposes lapis lazuli use in vaginal pessaries in order to provoke menstruation and, mixed with water and applied to the scalp, which supposedly makes the hair curl!

In all ages and years, lapis lazuli was always used in the form of pendants and earrings to benefit the throat, vocal cords and the thyroid.  You can find some of these beautiful pendants, earrings and talismans at Nammu.

Popular throughout the 16th to early 18th century, lapis lazuli was also used in eyewashes, anti-venereal pills, against madness and leprosy among many other conditions. 

Alchemists, in their turnused lapis lazuli to cure circulatory diseases, fevers and during pregnancies.  They also strongly believed in its properties to cure eye diseases and remedy optical disorders.  Lapis lazuli amulets or talismans were widely used to cure inflammatory infections of the eye.

Alchemists also applied  lapis lazuli close to pestilential tumors.  They kept it near problem area for a while and after removing the stone, healing would take its course.  Lapis lazuli was also powdered and swallowed in cases of stomach diseases.

Lapis Lazuli Physical Healing Nowadays

It is amazing how strong  lapis lazuli healing tradition is. At the present day people still use lapis lazuli to cure the same illnesses as people from the past.

Nowadays, Lapis lazuli in folk medicine is used against melancholia, epilepsy, febrile and convulsive state. For this, it is necessary to grind it to a powdery state. What we do not recommend.

You also already know that since the beginning of time powdered lapis lazuli has been used for eye problems and is still used for the same reason, but let us provide a bit of science to its healing properties. Only purified lapis lazuli can be used for healing skin, eye and stomach diseases. It is not enough to just powder any lapis lazuli stone. You need to cleanse it.

In overall, Lapis lazuli is a very safe and non-toxic stone with lots of positive effects on body and health. It is widely used in healing for this exact reason, but you should take into account that in its composition it contains Sulfur and possible Pyrite inclusions which can be poisonous in big doses.

Organic Sulfur itself is widely used ingredient in skin creams, pain gels, shampoo and even eye renewal drops, so it is very safe and beneficial when applied properly, however, without proper knowledge on how to mix and combine sulfur with other ingredients it can cause quite unpleasant negative effects.

SULFUR AND SKIN CONTACT: No adverse effects. Skin irritation may be aggravated in persons with existing skin lesions. Wash exposed clothing separately before reuse. First Aid: Wash skin with plenty of mild soap and water.

SULFUR AND EYE CONTACT: Sulfur dust is an eye irritant. Avoid contact with eyes, especially contact wearers. Wear safety glasses when working with lapis lazuli. First Aid: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for a minimum of fifteen minutes. Hold upper and lower lids apart to insure rinsing of the entire eye surface and lids. Do not use boric acid to rinse with; sulfur is an acid irritant. FOR SEVERE IRRITATION, GET MEDICAL ATTENTION, preferably an ophthalmologist.

So, we would strongly suggest you to avoid applying hand-made powdered lapis lazuli to your eyes and do not suggest taking it internally.

So how would we recommend to use lapis lazuli to boost physical healing? Here we must specify that we believe in healing energies of stones and therefore recommend you to benefit from them. Hand-made powdered lapis lazuli is not what we would recommend.

  • Rub a smooth lapis lazuli stone warmed in hot water over the eye to help fight an eye infection.
  • Wash the eye with the water used to soak the lapis lazuli stone after it has cooled. Use distilled water for best results.
  • Heat a smooth lapis lazuli stone in direct sunlight and place it on a bruise, skin irritation or insect bite to speed healing.
  • Place the stone in your bedroom near your sleeping place to increase quality of your sleep and cure insomnia.
  • Rub lapis lazuli stones in the area of pain.
  • Place lapis lazuli around the area where you might be feeling stress.
  • Wear them on your body as a necklace or bracelet to lets it energy heal throughout the day.
  • Meditate with lapis lazuli. Check Lapis Lazuli Magical Properties post to learn how to do it correctly.
  • Get prayer beads of Lapis Lazuli stones and use these in your prayers.

Lapis lazuli is widely used today to help healing areas of the neck: larynx, throat and also the vocal chords.  It is also said that lapis lazuli enhances circulation and improves cardiac rhythm.  It overcomes hearing loss and other problems with ears.

Lapis Lazuli affects positively our nervous system, speech, hearing, pituitary, reduces pain and also inflammation.  It lowers blood pressure and aids the respiratory system.

It is believed that lapis lazuli has a direct link with our head, therefore it is used to relieve headaches, especially migraines and epilepsy.  The use of this blue mineral rock can be very helpful for people that have Asperger’s syndrome or autism.

This stone is widely used as a supporting measure for traditional healing of extreme sicknesses involving the bone marrow, aids/HIV, cancer, heart diseases, spleens, and also RNA/DNA damage.

People involved in crystal healing say that lapis lazuli has a cleansing effect on the organs and at the same time purifies the blood and boosts immunity. It also has a special effect on women with problems with their feminine reproductive system including PMS and helps the mother as well as the child during pregnancy.

Stones have been known to assist one physically and mentally in recovering from a past physical trauma and psychosomatic illnesses.  There are some reviews that highlight that Lapis lazuli has the ability to help overcome abuse issues, trauma, depression, grief and that it provides significant support in rape recovery.  This is due to its energy that brings inner power and hope. 

Lapis Lazuli is also very good and is widely used for recovery from surgery.

Lapis Lazuli Mental Healing

Lapis Lazuli is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man.  Healers, priests and royalty also used this magical stone.  They used it for wisdom, power and to stimulate psychic abilities.

Lapis Lazuli empowers mental activity. It’s an excellent memory enhancer and as a result it helps in the process of learning.  It helps widen your knowledge by aiding your memory and improving your ability to process information. Lapis lazuli also gives power to words and improves communication abilities. The two minerals that stand out when we talk about this property of Lapis Lazuli are Sodalite and Pyrite. Learn more about it in Top 10 Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties post.

Spiritual healers also believe that blue stones like lapis stimulate and activate the Throat and Brow Chakras. The Brow Chakra also called the Third Eye is the center of our perception and command. It balances the important and the unimportant, sorting meaning from data and impressions.  The Throat Chakra is the voice of the body. Learn more about use of lapis lazuli for chakra healing it in our Lapis Lazuli Chakra Healing post.

Ancient Egyptians believed the soul existed in the mind and housed in the brain.  The Egyptian priests also believed lapis blue was a mental healer and soul purifier.  The priests mixed pulverized lapis with gold and placed it on the crown of the head to purge the soul of demonic possession.  In extreme cases, a small hole was drilled in the skull and the mixture was poured into the head.  Thank god, this is a long gone practice.

Theophrastus, a disciple of Aristotle (372-288 B.C) also wrote about the physical benefits of Lapis Lazuli.  As a result of his experiments, he confirmed that lapis lazuli exerts a calming influence on a person and procures the aid and favors of the spirits of light and wisdom.

And even today Lapis lazuli  is believed to be able to help a person in getting rid of crazy thoughts, fainting, bad dreams and obsessions. And in order for it to act, it is necessary to put it on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

This stone gives its master a wonderful freshness and health sleep as well as can strengthen the vision. For these purposes, it is necessary to immerse lapis lazuli in boiled water for a short period of time and then simply to drink it.

It is capable of increasing the strength of magnetic radiation and facilitating the escape of the astral body. This stone favorably promotes friendship and love in general.

Lapis Lazuli can help to achieve happiness and prosperity in love and gambling, and also gives his owner joy and peace. It is able to reward a person with constancy and sympathy, faithfulness of thoughts and helps to get rid of shyness. Learn more about influence of lapis lazuli on mental health in previous post –  Lapis Lazuli Magical Properties: Spiritual Growth, Talismans & Amulets, Magical Effects


Lapis Lazuli Emotional Healing

The first historical references to the use of crystals came from the Ancient Sumerians who included crystals in magic formulas and since then the long history of crystal healing has begun.

Lapis Lazuli is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man. It releases stress.  It stimulates enlightenment and enhances dreamwork.  It helps us be ourselves and liberates us from compromises and holding back, with lapis you can be the ruler in your own (spiritual) kingdom. As a protection stone, it also recognizes psychic attacks and blocks them, returning the energy back to its source. Learn more about it in Lapis Lazuli as a Psychic Protector.

Lapis lazuli is a crystal of truth.  It encourages self-awareness, dignity, honesty and uprightness.  Lapis lazuli makes us enjoy contact with others and also helps us convey feelings and emotions clearly.  It reveals inner truth.  Allows self-expression without holding back or compromising.  It encourages dignify in friendship and improves communication abilities ability but one of the most important abilities of lapis lazuli is to heal relationships. Check Top 10 Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties for more.

Crystals have been used, revered and enjoyed for many thousands of years.  Lapis Lazuli keeps helping and accompanying human kind (including me) in every aspect of our lives.

Personally, I use lapis lazuli in a form of a necklace for both concentrated and overall healing.

It is believed that using the necklace around the neck makes its energy irradiate in all directions penetrating body and aura of energy field.  The energy of the gems elevates and also nurtures all the aspects of your body, giving it energy and inspiration, improving its health and making enduring changes.

For concentrated therapies, I use lapis lazuli necklace around the head (against headache) or on my chakras, palms or feet to produce concrete results (depending on the place or organ I want to heal).

Ready to start healing with Lapis Lazuli gem or contact your angel, need psychic protection or even all of the above? You can obtain you own healing  lapis lazuli stone in our shop – We can guarantee you the highest quality for the reasonable price and you will be able to ward off all those bad guys and illnesses in a blink of an eye. Bear in mind, we often have special discounts and offers for our subscribers.
