Laparoscopic Uterine Fibroids – You Must Know About It!

By Allyson3james

What is Laparoscopic Uterine Fibroids surgery?

Uterine fibroids are nothing but a type of tumor that grows in women’s uterus. These tumors are generally are of benign nature and are not life-threatening type of tumor. An advanced surgery is per4fromed to eliminate the tumor that grows on the walls of uterus, which when not prevented in earlier days will start become rubbery and hard mass which is quite different from the natural surroundings of the tissue cells is called laparoscopic Uterine fibroids surgery. This surgery is performed to treat both the scenarios in which the growth of the tumor is either singular or in group of different shapes and sizes. The tissue which is treated with this minimally invasive surgery is the most usual sort of benign abnormal cell growth which is experienced by almost every woman in their life-time.

Why do you need the laparoscopy surgery for uterine fibroids?

There are some cases in which this tumor does not show any signs and left treated, but here are some of the conditions which can be the cause that one should consider for laparoscopy surgery fro uterine fibroid removal, which includes:

  • Abnormally prolonged menstrual periods
  • Bladder functional difficulty
  • Constipation or difficult bowel movement
  • Excessive bleeding during menstrual periods
  • Frequent urination
  • Pressure felt in the pelvis
  • Pain in the leg or back
  • Pain in the pelvic region

Which specialist should you consult if you have any of the signs and symptoms?

If you are facing any symptoms of uterine fibroid, here is a list of expert, which you can consult for primary consultation and recommendation for further treatment:

  • Gynecologist
  • Family medicine physician
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Internist
  • Physician assistant

Among these specialist gynecologist will further assist you with diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids.

What are the screening tests and investigations before the surgery?

Before undergoing any kind of surgery there are some basic medical tests that an expert should do, to understand the problem more effectively and then he will become able to suggest the best method to treat the condition. In case of uterine fibroid here are some of the tests that an individual need to undergone before recommended for laparoscopy surgery:

  • The history of your symptoms and your menstrual periods
  • The results of a pelvic exam
  • Pelvic ultrasound or hysterosonogram (to diagnose multiple fibroids)
  • Complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia
  • Laparoscopy (to locate the fibroids before removal surgery)

What is the procedure for laparoscopy surgery for uterine fibroids?

Laparoscopy is basically called as minimally invasive surgical procedures. In case when you are looking for the laparoscopy uterine fibroid surgery, you will get some options in surgery which includes Myolysis and Uterine artery embolization, but here we are discussing the most utilized and the most effective type of uterine fibroid removal surgery, which is:

Laparoscopic (robotic) myomectomy – In this surgery the surgeon needs to eliminate the tumor or the fibroids along with leaving the uterus intact. This surgery the instrument is used with a proper robotic arm assistance, which is put via a cut made during surgery in the abdomen region in order to remove the uterine fibroids. This surgery method is the most dexterous and more accurate than any other minimally invasive surgery procedure to remove fibroid from uterus.

What are the known complications of the surgery?

As this surgery is on minimal invasive type, which makes this surgery more effective than other surgeries. Though there are some complications associated with surgery, which includes:

  • Childbirth complications
  • Excessive blood loss
  • Rare chance of hysterectomy
  • Scar tissue

 What are the dietary and physical activity requirements before and after surgery?

Once the surgery is performed effectively, here are some of the things that an individual need to follow, to get the best outcome from the surgery. Here are a set of things to consider, which includes:

  • NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to get relieve from pain and menstrual cramps
  • Utilize heating pad to lower abdomen or take a hot water bath to which helps in improved blood flow
  • Use a pillow under your knees to relieve the pain
  • Instead of tampons utilize pads
  • Do some physical activities recommended by surgeon to reduce pain and to improve blood flow