Landon's Birth Story

By Cait @caitscozycorner
So many of you have asked how the last few weeks of my pregnancy had been so I'm so sorry this is overdue! It's been a crazy few weeks getting used to a newborn and a toddler at home, little to no sleep at times and learning to multi-task at an entirely new level. But, it's so fun, so exciting and I'm loving every minute of it!
So let's go back to when I was around 38 weeks. As I wrote a few weeks prior to that, I had an awful virus that caused me to be extremely sick and several trips to the bathroom all day and night for almost two weeks straight. Truth be told, being sick is one thing, but being sick while extremely pregnant is just God awful terrible. I was actually putting Landon in distress because of throwing up so much and so frequently ( sorry for the TMI ).
I had a doctors appointment the week before I was going to be having my scheduled c-section and despite being so sick, my doctor still wanted me to keep him in and stay as hydrated as possible despite being exhausted and able to keep a little food down. I had a few blood tests taken and took the weekend to take it easy and relax as best I could.
Monday the 24th, I had just gotten to work when my phone rang and it was my doctor saying that my blood work had come back and it didn't look good. My liver was starting to fail and I still had a lot of protein in my urine which meant that my preeclampsia was coming back. So we made a game plan for me to come in that afternoon and I would have my c-section later in the day. I can't tell you the relief I felt knowing that our son was finally going to be coming into the world and my body would heal asap. I had ran to my co-workers office to cry and call Zach telling him that we were having a baby!! He actually was super calm while my voice shook over the phone because of my excitement.

I finished up another hour of work and then headed home to take a shower, double check my hospital bag and wait for Zach to get home. I couldn't eat or drink anything before surgery but poor Zach was starving so I made him to go grab something to eat before our long night ahead ( sweet husband that he is, he felt bad eating in front of me ha but I survived ha)! We got to the hospital and checked in where I started having really bad contractions a few minutes later. We laughed, chatted about how excited we were and waited about two hours until it was time to go into surgery.
My doctors were incredible and like my first c-section with Lily, I actually didn't mind my epidural and laughed with the nurse about how much I hated having my IV put in ( that seriously hurts so bad!) which I thought was the worst part of the entire thing. Weird right? After prepping me, they had Zach come in and within about 6 minutes, I heard the sweetest cry of our little Landon. I can't tell you how many emotions ran through me in about the 4 minutes of hearing him. I was so happy he was here, I was so excited to meet him and yet I knew that this was probably our last child and almost cried that it was going to be the last time going through it. It was just an entire roller coaster in only a few minutes. Has anyone else felt like that?
I wish I could have bottled Zach's face up as he was so excited, so in awe and had a huge wave of emotion cross his face when he saw his son for the first time. I totally get it as I'm sure my face said the say thing as well. Our little man was here! He did great nursing ( it's really true what they say- boys seem to feed better than girls; at least in my case ) he was sleeping 2-3 hours at a time and did I mention he was a blonde?! He clearly is his father's son as my husband came out with almost white hair and then around 7 years old it started to get darker.

I'm sure you're also wondering how Lily is adjusting to being a big sister and while we've had our moments with her learning how to share, dividing our attention between her and her brother; she's really taken on the role and been such a great help! Every morning she bounces in our room and asks where her baby is! Clearly claiming her little brother as her own and I adore it.
Right now I'm still soaking in all the time I can with this little guy as I only have about a month left with him. How crazy! These 8 weeks certainly start to go quicker and quicker but I wouldn't trade the time with him.