Landing No63 : Midnight Barcelona Rider

By Queenlina
Hellooo fashion travellers! It's a new day today sooo.... let's land in fashion!

Two weeks ago I promised you all a Barcelona photo diary.. I'll tell you some places I visited, but I have to confess something first.. I noticed that 70% of the places I wrote down to my notebook (as places I HAVE TO remember) where "eating" places.. So if you are a person who likes to eat then continue reading.. If not, then just check the photos!

Firstly we visited plaza catalunya, then plaza universidad and  went to eat at ciutat comtal (fantastic).. Walked at las ramblas and saw all these stores waiting for me to buy everything! We visited many cathedrals (from the outside) and of course Sagrada Familia (from the inside).. I couldn't forget about the maremagnum, where we went to the aquarium (I think they could do better) and of course the Picasso museum.. We ate at kiosko which is a GORGEOUS hamburger place, where the burgers and the potatoes are huge! 
We also visited Tibidabo, park guell and barceloneta.. I had the opportunity to watch theCavalcada de Reis, where I acted literally like a baby.. We ate at cien montaditos and at la flauta.. These are a few things I saw in Barcelona and I suggest you see-visit.. Hope you like the photos!That's all for today.. Hope you enjoyed our flight! Love you! <3