Lady GaGa Versus Dale Bozzio

Posted on the 08 November 2011 by Thewildheart @wildheartrocks

Okay so its no secret anymore that Lady GaGa is a ripoff or almost carbon copy of Missing Persons lead vocalist Dale Bozzio. It seems like everything from not only Bozzio’s fashion, but her music, is getting copied.

Many blogs both in the fashion and music realms. Now my question is this: why isn’t places like Mtv & VH1 picking up on this?

When Lady GaGa does this, she shows that she’s unoriginal in her approach to style. The same is also true for her music. Perhaps GaGa has never heard of the old saying “don’t do as I do – do it better.” As far as talent and taste go, she has some, but it is mostly like watching a copycat.

Bozzio, on the other hand, is an original. When most punk rockers had weirdly shaved hair, she went with a rainbow-colored hairdo. She also could sing rather well and had a good backup band, Missing Persons.

However, I must wonder, why must artists such as Lady GaGa be unoriginal? Apparently she hasn’t realized that legendary artist areoriginal. Great minds don’t think alike – they think for themselves. Stevie Nicks did not become a fashion icon by copying others – she made her own. Same goes for the bohemian style of early Madonna and the feathery-laden Janis Joplin.