Lady Bug Collection

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt

It's no secret that in our digital age, using printable-templates is an stress-free way to start a craft, for you or your children.  If you're crafting with multiple children, such as at a party, then it's also a very fast way.  It's why I love using them in my ebooks (see the new buttons on the right hand side of the blog), but it's also why I go looking for other free-templates on the internet to inspire craft projects.

TheGraphicsFairy.blogspot.comis a wonderful site that offers a daily source of free vintage images you can download.One graphic that recently caught my eye was the mason jar (without label) – I thought it would make a great collage base for either a memory jar, time capsule, or magic spell collage.  In the end it was a spare sheet of ladybug stickers that gave my girls the green light to get outside, collect a variety of leaves, talk shapes and colours, and then use the stickers to hold it all in place – easy as – and pretty too!

To make the collage, all I had to do was download the image, scale it so that I could fit three on an A4 page and then print it out.  

Next time you come across a free-download, (or you're looking at one of my ebook templates!) don't be scared to 'think outside the jar' as it were and see if you can't come up with an alternative way to use the template to make a whole new collage with your kids!

Best wishes,
