Lacking A Basic Skill

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Ladies and gentleman - believe it or not - it has recently come to my attention that I do not know how to talk. You might wonder, "Who doesn't know how to talk?" You'd be surprised to know that actually most people don't. But let's keep this about me. So among the long list of personal shortcomings I have yet another one to add to the list.  It was not until I started doing the podcast that I realized that "talking" is now one of the many skills I need to work on. We record the podcast weekly, which involves listening to my own voice several times during the week *cringe*. It was not an activity which I did on regular basis and if I am being honest, I never really liked listening to my own voice. However, after listening to myself talk week after week for last three months or so, I have learned that I do not speak in full sentences. I jump from one incomplete thought to another, leaving the listener to fill-in-the-blanks. I use the same words over-and-over-again. My enthusiasm for a topic sometimes hinders my ability to express myself succinctly. (Just to name a few) Sigh! I am seriously contemplating taking a coaching class/course to work on 'talking properly'. It just seems embarrassing that after thirty six years of existence, in spite of college education and a healthy habit of reading, I still cannot do something which should be part of the basic skill set. But like they say, it is never too late to learn something ... so this is now my new goal: to be able to speak in full sentences, epigrammatically Photography by Basil & George  
Location - Baltimore, MD

Dress - Sail to Sable via Sassanova // Similar

Shoes - Cole Haan // Similar