La Maree Jeanne in the 2nd: It Will Take Me One More Visit to Decide.

By Johntalbott

6.0 La Maree Jeanne, 3, rue Mandar in the 2nd (Metro: Sentier), open 7/7, is the fourth place by the gang that brought us Astier, Jeanne A. and Jeanne B.  I went with the daughter of one of my oldest pals, now deceased, from Geneva - she studying theater in Paris at the moment.  The tables are all schmooshed together which I didn't like, although from what I could see of the downstairs booths, they looked more commodious. 

I took one look at the menu and thought "fried eperlans and fried merlan en colere - perfect".  But it was not to be.  Despite the fact that the menus looked like they had been printed today, they were out of the merlan.  (And PS, the 18 E lunch "formule" was never pointed out or displayed)

In any case, we both started off with the eperlans, which tasted "fishy" to me, that came mixed with too many shaved veggies and too few shaved ginger roots.  My friend did not finish hers and she's a well brought up French girl.

Then she had what was called a consomme, and I guess was, of lobster, poivrade and coco beans which I thought was a bit too thin, but she like muchly; and I had a feuillete of rouget barbet, colin and chorizo, the latter of which fused with the inner part of the pastry and gave it a great sparkling taste.

We were ambivalent about ordering dessert, after all, she hadn't finished her first nor I my main; but we though "why not?"  And we were right - her chocolate tart and my vanilla cream with cassis berries were both top-top, well worth the few dips in the meal.

Our bill with a bottle and glass of Touraine, no bottled water, crispy crusted bread and 2 coffees, was 83.60 E.  dB level 79.8.

Go?  On balance, yes, but it will take another visit to decided if this will be a regular on my food route.