Colette's back in town and with her comes the wish to try all the good places I've sacrificed my body, stomach and liver for since she was last here. And L'Office was right up there on her wish list so off we went with another frequent crossing-the-Atlantic food nut.
As we entered Charles Compagnon, the owner with the golden touch, who knows us all for different reasons, greeted us awarmly and rattled off the menu in English, only pausing for my translation of one word - palourde. The menu remains 3 + 3 + cheese or 3 and great sounding all.
Our traveling gourmet and I started with sauteed oysters with microtomed salsify and halved grapes that was an exceptional dish - multi-light, multi-textured and multi-tasty.
We sampled all three mains; with S. having the chicken which was tender as can be, Colette had daurade with palourdes, avocado and tomato and I had a wonderful sourced and perfectly cooked piece of veal with various veggies.
My lady friends ended with a chocolate tart and peach and tapioca concoction; here Colette was unimpressed but I was much impressed.
Our bill with one bottle of Syrah/Shiraz and no bottled water (even though he makes the filtered home made stuff.)
Go again? As our guest said "It's much more nuanced food than before."