Kyani Review 2020 – Ingredients and Side Effects

By Miriam Jones @miriamsjones

Many people turn to MLMs (Multi-level Marketing) companies, such as Kyani, to help them distribute products and make money. These health MLMs have the promise of improving your wellness and providing you with a new source of income.

This Kyani review is going to go in-depth for the Kyani brand and MLMs in general.

What Is Kyani?

Multi-level marketing's been around for many decades and is a type of business model. In a sense, it's like networking, so you've got distributors who make money based on sales, but they also get commissions from recruiters. Recruitment happens with the sign-up process and a fee to become part of that business.

There are legal requirements in place for MLMs to ensure that a product is being sold.

Kyani, Inc. was formed from the Hansens and the Taylors. Both families came together to make and sell the products that nature has to offer. They typically use fruits that claim positive impacts on your health, such as Swiss Apple and Alaskan Blueberries.

The three primary products - Kyani Sunrise, Kyani Nitro FX, and Kyani Sunset - are the trifecta or triangle of health. This multi-level business is based out of Idaho and allows you to buy the products for yourself and become an authorized distributor.

Kyani BBB Profile

The Kyani brand is based out of Idaho Falls, ID and is accredited by the BBB. In fact, it has been in business for 15 years and has an A+ rating. There are roughly 19 reviews for the company, giving it a four-star rating on the BBB.

So far, there have been 12 customer complaints, most of which have been 'answered.' This indicates that there has been no resolution, though the customer and company head are talking to each other about the situation.

Clearly, having an A+ rating bodes well for the business. However, only two of the formal complaints (out of 11) have been fully resolved to the satisfaction of the consumer. All of the complaints seem to have been made in 2020. Still, there are few issues when you consider how long the company has been in business.

The Products

Kyani offers a variety of products, including:

  • Kyani Sunrise
  • Kyani Nitro FX
  • Kyani Sunset
  • Kyani Nitro Extreme (bottle or packet)

With a variety of products that are designed to boost your health and help with weight loss, it's no wonder that it claims these items can:

  • Boost energy
  • Increase cell support
  • Support cognitive function
  • Support your immune system
  • Promote joint flexibility
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Support cardiovascular health
  • Promotes healthy hair/skin
  • Helps maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels

This is for the Sunrise and Sunset products. The Nitro products can help with:

  • Blood circulation - Nitric Oxide can dilate your blood vessels.
  • Inflammation - As a signaling molecule, it reduces the risk of inflammation in the body.
  • Brain function - It's a chemical messenger, so it helps your brain store and retrieve appropriate information.
  • Sexual function - With a healthy blood flow, your sexual performance and libido could be improved.
  • Digestion - Nitric Oxide helps with microcirculation and motility to help deliver the nutrients throughout the body.

The goal is for someone to use all three products (a Nitro, the Sunset, and Sunrise).

Potential Side Effects for Kyani

It is important to understand that the ingredients within the products are all-natural. Therefore, there is a lessened risk of side effects. However, you should still be careful. The company has been available for over 15 years, and there aren't any reports of side effects.

There aren't any chemicals that may force the body to work differently than it should. However, we noticed that the Sunrise product has a whopping 7 grams of sugar in each serving. Women should only consume roughly 25 grams of sugar a day, and men can often have a little more. Therefore, you may need to be cautious about what you eat throughout the day.

Too much sugar can lead to weight gain. Also, some people find that excess sugar in their diet leads to stomach issues, such as bloating, diarrhea, and gas. Almost every supplement has the risk of upsetting the stomach because you're introducing something new to your body.

Therefore, it is likely that these potential issues are going to go away with time. However, if you take the products multiple days and still have problems, you may need to stop using the supplements and talk to your doctor.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Kyani

There are many advantages of joining the Kyani MLM. The company wants you to be successful because it ensures that they make more profits, too.

Therefore, you are going to get plenty of information and tools to help you along. You can talk to consultants and get help growing or starting your business. These tools include:

  • Product guides
  • Video presentations
  • Dialogues to study for cold calls (optional to use this route)
  • Training tutorials

Experienced consultants are always available to talk to when you need help or insight. Therefore, you've just got to put in the effort to grow your business, reduce downtime, and be committed to your own success.

With the Kyani compensation plan, you aren't required to buy and store a ton of products because there just aren't that many to sell. Plus, Kyani pays out higher commissions than similar companies that are currently out there.

Whether you're a recruiting expert or a beginner to network marketing, you can use Kyani to grow your business and be successful.

There are also many bonuses you can get from Kyani. For one, you get between 30 and 60 percent commission for direct sales. Other bonuses include:

  • Rank
  • Fast-start bonuses
  • Longevity bonuses
  • Sponsor bonus
  • Match-check programs
  • Trips as incentives
  • Dream car bonuses

There are also many ranks that you can attain by selling more. When you move to higher ranks, you can earn more money and see more perks.

Other benefits include:

  • Various health benefits for buyers
  • All-natural ingredients used
  • Earn money by recruiting and distributing products
  • Win prizes
  • Products are studied and upgraded by scientists and doctors

Of course, any MLM has some drawbacks. Kyani disadvantages can include:

  • You've got to pay upfront, and there are annual fees required to distribute any Kyani products.
  • There's plenty of competition - both with MLMs in general and health supplements in particular.
  • It can be tough and time-consuming to sell products
  • Many people dislike the Kyani marketing program, though they like the products.
  • You have to be referred to the program by a member and must use their ID code to join.
  • There are multiple requirements to meet each month to stay at your current rank or rise up.
  • The ranking system can be highly complex.
  • Roughly two percent of all distributors make enough to do quit working a regular job.
  • You've got to buy all of the Kyani products out of your own pocket before you can sell anything.

How to Buy Kyani

If you just want to purchase the health supplements to use for yourself, you can go to a variety of e-commerce websites, like Amazon. You may also visit the Kyani store website to purchase its products directly from the source.

However, those who want to become a Kyani distributor must find an authorized dealer of the products. Then, you can request their ID code and ask to join the MLM. Though the Kyani website does have a few jobs available, they are primarily for managers and specialists.

Indications show that customer service reps can be hired directly by the company. You may also purchase products directly. While there is a space for business partners to join and learn about opportunities, we aren't exactly sure how everything works.

Kyani Refund Policy

We aren't impressed that there is no refund policy. Individual partners get paid through commission. You cannot return any products that you don't sell.

However, if you purchase directly from Amazon, the refund policies are set by the e-commerce website. Therefore, you can request a refund. However, you should pay close attention to the return policy, as many people claim that there is no Amazon guarantee with any Kyani products.

The company claims that you can return the products you purchase directly from the store. However, upon review of the refund policy, we find that this is false. In the 'small print,' the company claims that the sales are through Potato Pak, which is a charitable foundation. Therefore, the sales are non-refundable and final.

Words on the Street

The reviews for the product are generally positive, though there are a few complaints. However, all of the reviews are from third-party e-commerce sites and places like Quora. The Kyani online shop doesn't list any testimonials.

"Excellent product; my second time buying."

"I'm severely allergic to shellfish, so I read the fine print on the label. After I spent $156 on my kit, I saw that it had fish in it. Though I tried to return it, I never heard anything from the seller, and this isn't part of the Amazon guarantee."

"I recently ordered the Kyani products for my husband because it is supposed to help with blood pressure, but it hasn't made a difference. We wanted better results."

Is Kyani Worth It?

Kyani is primarily an MLM company that focuses on providing skincare and nutritional products. However, we aren't very sure if it is a true MLM option. While we feel that the products can be beneficial, there are no studies showing their effectiveness. If you plan to make money through Kyani, we wonder if it might be better to try another MLM option. Therefore, we don't recommend this as an MLM and aren't sure of the health benefits of using it yourself.



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