Kuih Bahulu 鸡蛋糕

By Awayofmind

After waiting for more than five months, eventually I received all the parcels! The Kuih Bahulu mold is the one I'm waiting all this while. This little flower cake is filled with its unique eggy aroma, it will retain its crispy crust and fluffy sponge for a few days if you keep it in air tight container. It was a chore for me to remove the Kuih Bahulu when I started first batch of baking, but when the mold finally heat up to its optimum temperature (may be third batch of baking), it is a bliss to remove the cake from the mold. I wish I could have more than one Kuih Bahulu mold at the time of baking as it can save up lot of baking time.The crucial steps to ensure a successful Kuih Bahulu are: 1. Heat up the greased Kuih Bahulu mold properly so the cake will not stick on the mold after baking. 2. Whisk the egg mixture to light and pale before adding the sugar, then whisk the mixture to fluffy light again. 3. Gradually fold in the flour and mix well the flour with the egg mixture. The end result is the beautiful crisp and spongy Kuih Bahulu! The ratio for egg and sugar should be 1:1 portion.十二箱的邮包在经过五个多月的等待终于都来到卡达尔!在里头有我等了好久的鸡蛋糕模子,昨晚终于开工烘焙鸡蛋糕了。这个糕点除了鸡蛋香,那香脆的表皮和松软的蛋糕是让人回味的。我说呀下次回去时得买多倆个鸡蛋糕模,那么就可束短烘焙鸡蛋糕的时间!弄这蛋糕成功的要点有几个,第一:在倒蛋糊之前,模子一定要刷油加热!第二:鸡蛋液一定得打至发白才逐渐加糖,再充分打发。第三:面粉是逐渐拌入蛋液的。这些是得留意的要点。

Ingredients:337g sugar6 eggs (337g)225g plain flour + a pinch of saltMethod: 1. Preheat the oven at 200C. Greased the Kuih Bahulu mold and place it in the oven to heat up.2. Fry the flour on a flat base wok over low heat for about 15 mins, until the flour is light.3. In the mixing bowl, add 6 eggs and whisk on high speed until the egg is light and pale.4. Gradually add sugar in 6~7 batches, in each adding make sure the egg is whisk to light and fluffy.5. Fold in the flour in a few batches, the batter will turn thick and creamy. Make sure mix the batter well.6. Take the mold out from oven and place a spoonful of batter into the mould, fill up the mold. Place the mold back to oven and bake for 10~12 mins. or until the cake turn lightly brown.7. Use a toothpick to prick out the cake. Greased the mold and place it into oven for 2 mins before fill the mold with batter again. Repeat steps until all batter is used.8. Cool the Kuih Bahulu on wire rack before keep in airtight container.